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» Hikari Tenshi
by Midnight Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:34 pm

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    Hikari Tenshi


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    Age : 28
    Location : Holding one knee to my chest

    Hikari Tenshi Empty Hikari Tenshi

    Post by Midnight Wed Feb 08, 2012 6:13 pm

    Name:Hikari Tenshi (Hikaru Tenshi)




    -Birthdate:October 31,1996

    Appearance: Hikari is well known because of her shinning gold eyes and tiny eyebrows.She usually wears a tight open gold kimono that reveals her chest,but her long blond ponytails always cover her breast,no matter how much movement she does.Her body is more developed and endowned than other young females.While girls her age usually wear makeup,the eyeliner that makes her eyes stand out is natural.Her skin is usually a pale-ish brown,but when angered turns a olive brown.The kimono she wears also covers her arms and dip down in the traditional Geisha style.Gold Hamaka pants hang low on her large hips,revealing tribal seals traveling up her semi muscular stomach.She wears no shoes,loving the feel of the earth when she travels.On her hands hold tied mini gold and orange wooden lotus plates that help her wield weapons.Matching the plates are brown demonic ponytail holders that has faces on them.Her claws are extremely sharp.Usually she never holds scrolls on her,so she makes the contract on her twin katana's.In her demon form her kekkei genkai unleashes and her teeth and nails grow sharper and the color of her outfit turns black and pure white.So does her hair



    -Ethnicity:Egyptian,Black and Japanese

    -Picture: Hikari Tenshi QLUnK

    Personality:Hikari is usually quiet and sweet,no matter what people do or say to her.Her face is usually soft and blank.Although she never really had a friend,the girl is willing to make one.The only people that accepts her is her boyfriend Zen and Uncle Ammon.She smiles occasionally,but is never really in a purely happy mood.In demon form she acts truly evil,if Hikaru cant bring her enemy down physically she will mentally.With the opposite sex,her evil demenor turns seductive.She lures her pray until the final blow is achieved.Is very talkative and cocky.

    -Likes:Pork buns,children,nice people,her boyfriend Zen Hozuki

    -Dislikes:Hatred,older perverted men,disrespect

    -First Impression:Everyone thinks that she's a Geisha by the way she dresses,but after they introduce themselfs they will know that she's shy.


    x-Ninja Information-x


    Village: Konohagakure

    Bloodline:Moonlight's Shadow

    Specialty:Taijutsu,Spiritual Alignment

    Element:Dark and Light


    Birth and Early Childhood: Hinamiko Usui was a normal 23 year old woman in the Usui clan,long white hair and baby blue eyes were proof.Her clan's element was light,mainly moonlight.How they obtained such a rare power was beyond her knowledge,but knew it was somewhere in one of the kages hidden houses.In the summer,festivals were held everyday! On one proticular festival,her twin sister,Kinamiko,walked with her down the streets of where the moon festival was held.Many children ran around with glowing white necklaces that represented the moon.Teenagers,ninjas and civillians laughed and played games together while the adults sat down drinking and having a good time.Elder people usual sat and watched their children,or they played with them.The whole village was laced beautifully in white stones,lotus flowers,the Usui clan symbol,were layed down on the sidewalks,creating an almost heavenly sensation everywhere.Stations of games were everywhere,some next to the food stands.Rising in the air were lights,and poles that held a pure white banner.The sight was amazing to the twins.They were dressed in lightly laced silver Kimonos.As the girls were walking,Kinami noticed someone foreign."Hey sis..look at him..he looks new to here." When Hinami looked,her heart froze.The man her sister pointed to definitely was a foreigner,but he was..perfect.Falling over his eyes abit were long golden strands of hair that made his dark glowing brown skin contrasted.His eyes..his eyes were an extremely,inhumanly bright shade of gold.He wore loose fitting regular white pants and no shirt,which was understandable in the 104º night.He was muscular and had the aura of curiosity mixed in with a killer,but the girl saw something in him that nobody else had.She saw the niceness and love that he had in his heart.Hinami fell for him,and she fell HARD.She started to blush,her pale skin turning pink.He noticed and ran to her immediately,gently putting his hands on her shoudlers to steady her.They looked into each other's eyes and it happened.His eyes fully turned black while hers held a cresent moon for the pupil.Their chakra flashed around in havoc for 30 seconds,but dissapeared just as fast.Their eyes went back to normal before the man smiled sheepishly with a soft blush."Im sorry..i thought you were going to faint..My name is Maahes..what is yours?" His voice made her heart melt.She spoke softly "M-my name is Hinami..thank you for caring.." The two kept looking into each others eyes before Kinami coughed with a smile and shooed them off.They got to know each other better and they decided to date.At 12am they stood and watched the moon ontop of a hill,smiling contently."Hey Hina...i like you..and i know that we just started to date..i need to tell you something..." She smiled at him softly "I already know that your a demon,and i dont care.I like you for who you are." They smiled at each other happily before leaning against each other.Two years later,on the same day ,Hinami gave birth to a healthy baby girl.But on that same exact moment,that village was destroyed.The 5 tailed beast destroyed the once peaceful town,not leaving a human soul alive.Maahes and his daughter were the only ones to survive,but the only way to calm ths beast was to finish the deal that the father made to the beast 200 years ago.Maahes drew a seal on his daughter's body and sealed the beast into her body.He was mentally torn on what to do,so he put her infront of the gates of Konoha and never looked back,but left behind four things:a sacred gold kimono,his wife's lotus plates,twin swords and his heart.

    Two years later,the baby was raised by two store owners,Jasmine and Kilik.They were an elderly couple who loved the girl like their own.They named her Hikari,meaning "Light" in japanese.They tought her everything from making food to making houses.She was a very happy little girl,never crying or sad.On a regular sunny day,the woman sat down infront of a laundry basket with Hikari on her back,watching with bright happy pure gold eyes when Kilik stummbled into the house with blood all over his weak,fragile body. "T-they-aghhhg...." His body fell down in a heap of blood as a large Kunai stuck out his head.In horror,Jasmine quickly got up but a senbon was in between her eyes before she could scream.All this happened right infront of the little girl.Hikari stood,her eyes closed an tears falling down her cheeks.The evil ninja smirked down at her,not knowing about her powers."Little girl,close your eyes,this will only hurt...alot." He rose his hand with a demented grin,and lunged toward her.But something weird happened at the exact moment when he touched her throat.A demonic growl escaped her lips.The man flipped backwards and looked at the girl with huge eyes and saw that her appearance has changed.Her hair was black and white,so was her pink kimono and sandals.Her usual dark skin turned alittle olive.But her face had the most dramatic change.Her eyes were fully black and in the middle was a glowing white cresent moon that spinned fast.The original seals on her legs spread up to her thighs and back,streching the design.Hikari grinned evilly and spoke to the man as the sky turned dark "Do you have any clue what you almost did? You almost killed the kid that i live inside.Do you want to know the penalties?" The ninja just laughed at her,thinking it was a joke.So he just laughed and pointed until he felt a sickining pop in the middle of his neck.The girl/demon smirked at him "Do not mock me.By the way...DIE!!!!!!!" The darkness in the air swirled into a vortex and lifted the man from the ground,ripping and shredding his flesh while he screamed in pain.By the time that was over,Hikari returned back to normal in tears.She ran inside the house and grabbed her belongings,and stuffed them into a backpack before she lifted her adoptive parents onto her shoulders and ran into a forest.By nightfall,she buried them and created two orbs over their graves.She cried and cried into the ground until she heared voices that told her that everything would be okay.Her heart was filled with pain and confusion until she realized two vital things.1:She could hear ghosts and 2:she had to remove any evidence of the murders.Hikari ran fast towards to her old parents home and looked around fast,before finding a flammable oil paper bomb.Her tiny hands stuck it on the outer gas chamber and triggered in before walking away,her past behind her

    Academy:By age 11,little Hikari grew up.Her once short hair grew to her hips and she grew to 5'0 by her 10th birthday.She wore a tight white black shirt with no sleves and black shorts.The seals moved up to her thighs and hips,hiding from the world.The first time she entered the academy,she hid from people her age and the adults.The girl didnt know what to do around people since she used to live in the woods alone.Two weeks ago,when she was walking in the village she saw a man with long blond and soft eyes like hers,smiling at the girk.She didnt know why,but she felt compelled to talk to him,so she did.Turns out that the man was a jonin from a different village,and decided to help the local hospital in the village.He asked her why wasnt she playing with friends,and with a flash,tears started to fall.The man figured her out by the way she talked even before her tiny voice finished the sentence."Hikari...Brace yourself.,," "W-what?" He took a deep breath and looked straight into her eyes.And her eyes widened like huge plates.Hikari saw his past and her body became paralized.This man...he is her father's best friend and twin brother.Her uncle's name was Ammon,and he tried looking for her for a while.And from then on life was abit better,and he signed her up for the academy.But she isnt sure if she should run or hide.There were so many kids older than her...But she wanted to do this for her uncle.She learned about everything her foster parents taught her,but with more detail.By the time she turned 12,it was time for graduation.Her once shy demenor had slightly mellowed out,and she smiled alittle bit more.On the day of the graduation,the teacher called her up and told her to make a clone of someone that she was in her life.Not knowing who to pick,she turned a regular into the goddess Amaterasu.Everyone stared amazed at her ability to make the clone perfect,and she had graduated early! Her sensei handed her the official headband of the village,smiling at her softly.After class,she ran to her uncle,smiling happily and truely for the first time in years.

    Genin:At age 14,Hikari founded out the truth about the thing that talks inside her mind.Well..demon.On a breezy summer night in july,she sat on the window cill in her room in her uncles house,relaxing and thinking about what she was gonna do as a ninja when her head started to pound.She didnt know what happened until she woke up in a white room with black drawings on the walls.The young girl sat up on the ground as a young man around her age appeared infront of her in a white fishnet shirt and baggy white pants.His face long the baby cheeks and had more definition,but his eyes were multicolored with red,green,blue,silver and yellow.He pulled her up and softly smiled at her disarmingly."Hello,its nice to finally meet you.Call me Houkou." The girl blinked at him and blushed before whispering "Um..where am i?" "Were in your sixth sense,that way i can hide my true demon form.You have to know about me and your father before you turn into a full fledged shinobi." Hikari frowned softly before nodding her head.She would have to ask questions later."Now what im about to tell you is vital.Do not tell anybody without asking me." Hikari nodded before Hokou began to tell the tale to the past.

    "Approximately 220 years ago,your father was looking around the japanese islands,Kyushu i think,for information about the Bijuu of the region.His demonic curiosity got the better of him i guess.But thats not the point.Maahes was an idiot.A brave one too.So he was looking throughout all the villages and little towns,researching and learning about medical information on the go.Somehow he got a tip from a woman in the local village about my location,so like the fool he is,he looked.To be honesty he had guts to even look for me.When he arrived on my grounds,he searched around alot.Hell he even ate tree leaves! For two weeks he waited for me..And i made the mistake of thinking he was a low class demon.Boy was i wrong! As soon as i took one step onto the ground,he tackled me and started to tie me down.We both fought for 40 minutes until i pinned him down.He was on my sacred ground and i was beyond pissed at the monment being the huge demon god,trapped his mind in a illusion for 4 days and at the end of it,i sat infront of him and told him 'You walked upon my sacred ground.Since you defied the law,you will bring me your child.And i will follow you and destroy EVERYTHING you touch until i get that child! Every woman and child that i see in any village will be demolished.NOW LEAVE!!!!!' He got up,and simply walked away.But he whispered three words that made me fufil my promise to him.While he walked he told me 'In Your Dreams'.And after that i destroyed villages,people,scrolls,everything but...i gave up on trying to kill him and everything he stood for..but when i found out you were born i was happy,but something walked into the village in my human form and found out that there was a planned ambush so i did the only thing i could..i destroyed the village..and after that your dad sealed me in you and viola! Here i am! I regret what i did but... everyone was already sorry.." Hikari looked at the demon with a soft smile.She knew that he was rambling his words.She stood and started to walk towards him,and he blinked as she hugged him "Thank you...for telling me.." He grinned at her softly before spinning her around and starting a more better topic.

    Afew hours later,when she returned to her normal,consious self,she decided to take the chuunin exams.She met with the hokage the next day and got some bad news..She couldnt become a chuunin yet because she wasnt on a team.She was soo confused at first then requested to be on a team.Her request was answered and a year later,she was a Chuunin!

    Chuunin:Right after the chuunin exams,her body changed drastically.Her features were more defined and her body had filled out.And for the first time in her life,she decided to wear the clothes her father gave to her.But since the seal moves alot,she altered the kimono to be open in the front.Currently she works at a local clinic by the training grounds.To find the girl,look around the lake or look in different villages.

    Rp Sample:N/A

    (Sorry for mistakes >.<)

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Hikari Tenshi Empty Re: Hikari Tenshi

    Post by Zee Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:21 pm

    You wanting any jutsu to go with this app? Otherwise looks fine. I find it interesting that she dresses the way she does, but is shy, lol

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    Age : 28
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    Hikari Tenshi Empty Re: Hikari Tenshi

    Post by Midnight Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:25 pm

    Ehh nah,cant think of any yet Animesweat

    Posts : 20
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    Hikari Tenshi Empty Re: Hikari Tenshi

    Post by Zee Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:32 pm

    Hikari Tenshi Approv12
    Hikari Tenshi Approved

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    Join date : 2012-01-31
    Age : 28
    Location : Holding one knee to my chest

    Hikari Tenshi Empty Re: Hikari Tenshi

    Post by Midnight Tue Feb 14, 2012 7:34 pm

    :D THANK YOU!!!

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