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5 posters

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)


    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 32
    Location : In the shadows of death

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Kumori Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:31 pm

    This year was about to get more interesting. There was Kumori. He was pacing in his office, one of his ears twitching madly as he thought. Yes everyone could feel the growing hatred that was coming from a single source under the city of konohagakure. Within Konoha itself, people must be sick from the hate ain the air. The Blade under the city was about to release the most malevolent creature this world has seen. What’s worse is that nobody knew what to do. They didn’t have common sealing jutsus that were strong enough to seal a demon, nor could they kill it. The only option he could see was to call for a five kage meeting to discuss what will be done. So with a loud sigh and a flick of his tail, he adjusted his dark blue suit collar and made sure his neck tie was properly tied and was neat. One thing he hated was not looking good, especially on such an important time. Once he was done, he yelled out, calling for the nearest assistant.

    The older female ran into the office quickly. It wasn’t often that anyone would get called in by the Raikage as he was a very individual kage. He didn’t really need assistants on most occasions. “Yes sir? What can I do for you?” She knelt down onto one knee and placed her arm across her chest, her eyes were closed with her head tilted towards the ground. Kumori kept his composure; he didn’t want people to know he loved looking down at subordinates like this. It made him feel much more superior to everyone. “Go to the message centre and send out a letter to each kage. Calling them to a meeting of kages in two days time.” And he handed a small pile of sealed maps. She knew the maps were the location of the secret meeting, but they were sealed for a kage to open only. So she agreed and ran off with the maps. He walked to his window and looked out over his village. Three years and nothing changed besides getting more peaceful. The lightning storm above never ceased to stop. This is why he felt so at home here. He loved it.

    A few hours later he grabbed his large tsurugi blade. Each piece was slowly taken off and slipped into its holsters which he put onto his back. The weight always felt nice to him and made him feel more complete. The holster blended perfectly with his suit, making it look neat and crisp. So looking in the mirror quickly, he fixed his hair. And so he was ready to travel. It was about a day’s journey from every village to get to this location. He figured every kage has gotten the map for the meeting by now. So looking around his office to check if he has everything, he sighed and walked back to the window. With that, he hopped out and his tail discharged lightning. It was exhilarating. He loved travelling, and at his speed nobody could keep up. Almost light a lightning bolt, he vanished from the stop and was sprinting across the rooftops in the wind and rain. Like a yellow streak he jumped to the road. He quickly made it to the gate of the large village. Unfortunately even as the raikage he had to be stopped and identified. One of his defences to ensure security.

    Shortly after he was free to go. While he was a little miffed that it took so long, he accepted it. Then he was soon on his way again. As he traveled the lightning on his tail discharged more. It was a natural side effect from being half human and half demon. As he traveled the faster he traveled, the more lightning was discharged. It even got to the point where every jump sounded like a bolt of lightning. His hair dried as the journey progressed. The rain always tried to ruin his hair, but it only laughed and dried exactly how it started. A few hours later he reached the border of Konohagakure. At which time he curved south and kept going. Before nightfall of the same morning he left, he reached the location of the meeting. Quickly and carefully checking his surroundings, he entered the secret entrance of the underground meeting place.

    The stone cavern was highly decorated and secured. It was built hundreds of years earlier for the use of the kages. With a sigh he made his way through the tunnels past the various rooms. At which time he walked into the meeting room and looked around. The flag from each nation hung behind seats, the fire nation being the largest, was at the head of the table. The seats were stone with gold inlay, a symbol of the craftsmanship of the first eras. The walls however were just flat stone. Build in a dome shape and made to obviously last. So after the long trip, the Raikage brushed his hair slowly. The slight dust on his suit was easily brushed off and his tail was brushed to flatten it out. Now the last thing he could do was wait for the others.

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 32

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Alexia Wed Feb 01, 2012 8:57 pm

    By far it was the coldest day Suna had ever experienced. It wasn't actually cold and for most people it would still be considered warm, but to a person born and raised in the Wind Country, it was cold. In all honesty Alexia didn't mind the cooler weather although it could be argued that she didn't mind it because she wasn't actually outside in it. Being pent up in her office trying to catch up on the mountains of paperwork caused the young Kazekage to be in the sourest of moods. No cigarettes, no drinking, and no fun activities until she finished all the paperwork. It was the Jounin council that wanted her actually do the paperwork and it was the intelligent side of Alexia saying to ban her from everything until she had finished. No distractions should have led to her completing the paper work. Of course it didn't and only led to a few various threats to some poor assistants, 2 days of sitting in an office, and 4 of the 5000 some odd papers finished. With her head on the table and the feeling of self pity it was a wonder to many how such a young girl had kept up with the Kazekage position for so long. With a quick prayer that something would come along and get her out of the office she sighed. Realizing that in the real world such silly prayers never went answered. Grabbing the 5th paper she began to read it then signed it quickly mumbling, "5 down, 4995 to go... yay for me."

    Almost an hour passed before there was a rather urgent knocking on the Kazekage's office door. Without waiting for the typical 'Come in.' the person who was knocking barged in. The sight he saw both frightened the poor messenger and reminded him why Alexia was considered to be a rather dangerous person to work for. He feared that he was going to be killed due to the look Alexia was giving off so he paused and then quickly sputtered, "I am so sorry for barging in... milady." Dropping down to a knee he figured that the only way to survive was to say the milady part. Feeling no pain or hearing nothing he looked up to see her standing over him.

    Alexia by far had no problem intimidating men with her height but now was not the time for intimidation or little games to be played. Without even speaking she reached down and grabbed the poor messenger with her right hand, whom she had never seen before, by his silly chunin vest collar. Picking him up to eye level she looked him in the eyes and then spoke in her most calm of tones. "Please do tell me why you have decided it best to interrupt my work and do make it snappy."

    The poor man had never once in his life dealt with such a frightening yet surprisingly beautiful woman before. Unsure of what to say or do he simply held up the scroll infront of his Kazekage and hoped that she would see the 'For the Kazekage." words on it. Should she not he need not imagine what would happen to him.

    Letting go of the man while snatching the scroll with her other hand she began to look at it closely. Ignoring the messenger who had just fallen she walked back over to her table to open the scroll. Hearing someone leave she assumed the man had ran as fast as he could. Opening the scroll and seeing the map Alexia let out a slow sigh before rolling it up again. She had gotten what she wanted. A free ticket out of the paperwork, but instead now she had to deal with a mysterious map from Kumogakure. Had she available to her the village elders it wouldn't have been a problem for her to learn of the reason for the map. Instead she was left clueless about the purpose of such a map yet decided it best to just go to the little red X. Besides its not like it could be any worse then sitting for another day and a half going through different papers about how joe and fred wanted to get married but weren't allowed to. Grabbing her swords and sliding them into place she examined the map closer seeing exactly where it was she was headed to. Standing and starting to walk to the door, Alexia got the idea of really busting out and making a point to her Jounin that she was needed elsewhere.

    The poor window never stood a chance and the poor Genin that would be told to replace another window in the Kazekage's office was sure to let out a sigh if he knew. Flying out of the window Alexia landed on a roof top of a lower building then looked back to see not one but two of her Jounin's running after her yelling something about having duties. Ignoring them completely Alexia began to jump from building to building heading towards the village entrance. Having no issues getting out of the village she made a mental not to tighten up gate security and possibly even go so far as to have people take their shoes off. For you never know if some child is hiding explosive tags in their sandals.

    As she ran across the sands of the Wind Country Alexia closed her eyes and hummed a tune. Most people found it difficult to run with their eyes closed, but when living in a desert where it wasn't like a random tree was gonna pop up so it was not all that difficult to do. After a good long journey Alexia finally reached the border of the Fire Country. It wasn't her first time ever entering this country but by far it was her least place to visit as to often or not she would wander into some random ninjas. For the first time in her life though she was going into the Fire Country with no official mission. In all honesty Alexia missed her days as a Black Op where she was able to wander around and explore the world. Then again having a statue was far better then being well traveled. Finally though she arrived at the little X on the map and let out yet another sigh. Her first thought was not that of, 'Wow what exactly is so special about this place.' but of, 'Wow I really could use a cigarette.' Of course Alexia had no smokes on hand since she had banned herself from buying them. Looking around she saw nothing of interest so sat down. Although it had taken her a day and a half to get there with no rest, she was surprisingly not tired. Glancing left and right to see if anyone was around Alexia, not trusting the situation, began to run some quick calculations of her surroundings.

    After almost an hour of sitting there she finally saw the rather obvious 'secret cave entrance' and felt rather silly for not seeing it in the first place. Maybe after all she was tired and didn't realize it. Entering the cave with no fear she saw the decorations and realized that this place was much older then she. Coming to the conclusion that it was of some importance and the map was not some hoax, Alexia wandered deeper into the cavern. Finding what looked to be a meeting place she saw the flags of the different countries so came up with idea that this was a meeting place. With a quick glance she saw a single person in the room sitting bellow the Kumogakure flag. Having never seen him before she knew not who he was but not wanting to seem foolish she calmly walked over to the Sunagakure flag and sat in the chair bellow it. The thought was nagging in the back of her head of, 'If only I had those village elders around I would actually know what was going on...' Keeping quiet, not sure if she was supposed to speak, Alexia looked down at her hand examining them with little interest as she tried to just pass the time.


    Last edited by Alexia on Mon Feb 06, 2012 5:03 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 15
    Join date : 2012-01-08

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Genkaku Thu Feb 02, 2012 7:33 pm

    Genkaku, sitting in his office on rather a warm day for him, filling out papers for a small team of four, three genin and their sensei, two of the genin were males and the other genin and their sensei were female. Genkaku had normally filled out paper work assigning missions for teams for them to have one mission at least once per day. He had been filling out paper work for awhile now, it was really what he did all day, he hated it, he hated everything about his job, but he was requested out of all the Jounin in the village, mostly because all other Jounin died within the weak of being kage and didn't even count as a kage. Genkaku however, has lasted about a year. Genkaku, born from the Minki clan, specializes in two offenses yet uses ninjutsu most. He is a master in genjutsu and Fuinjutsu arts.

    Soon, after filling what seemed to be one hundered papers, which were just about assigning each team a mission in Iwagakure, and that was just the genin teams. he had gotten a message, someone had rushed into his office delivering a scroll, as the female messenger walked in the room, Genkaku gave off a warm friendly smile taking the scroll as the female walked back out, closing the door behind her. He opened the scroll opened his eyes, and let loose a frown upon his face, his face was how it was when people normally weren't around. Opening the scroll, it revealed a small map. Genkaku sighed and moved over to where he kept his clay, tons of pouches fell out of a small room as Genkaku opened the door. he grabbed some, putting them in his sleves and attached to his belt, he wanted to come prepared in case of a trap. He went to the roof on his office, plenty of room, he could see most of the village from here, he stood there while his hands were feeding chakra into the clay he had brung along, not all of it just a bit.

    He began to spit the clay out of his hands, the clay was now formed into a dragon like shape and it would appear to be a dragon at first glance, but it was really just clay, explosive clay charged with enough chakra to make it C3. He jumped onto it, it would not explode so soon unless Genkaku would give out a hand sign and command it to. It began to fly, towards a specific area away from iwagakure, usually when the villagers saw the white clay dragon flying away, it would mean the Tsuchikage, Genkaku was away. Being a Minki he had the power of explosion release, this provided many oprotunity for destruction. He flew out the village, heading for a secret area.

    Flying through the sky, seeing nothing but the forest and small body of water below him as he traveled to the secret place, Genkaku was thinking about life, thinking about why he was even leaving Iwagakure for possibly no good reason at all, he watched as the clouds not too far above his head drifted slowly as the wind pushed the clouds onwards in the same direction Genkaku was, also blowing his hair all over the place, making it fly into his face. He continued traveling for no reason at all, just to see what was going on really. He soon had arrived also.

    Having landed, Genkaku put his hands on the clay C three dragon and the mouths on his hands would begin sucking it in, eating it charging more chakra into it chewing it like it was gum. Once the clay dragon was out of sight and back into the mouths on Genkaku’s hands, he began looking for an entrance. Soon found, he entered the place. He had walked in, seeing the other kage’s, one being a female, and one male. He looked around and took a seat.

    Posts : 20
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Zee Thu Feb 02, 2012 11:13 pm

    Shuuheki sat on his chair behind his desk. It was a bright day in Konoha. He looked over to the windows. This was not to view the beauty of the village. No, Shuuheki despised the village. The only reason he stayed was that it was a chance to further his plans. He wanted power. Friendship, compassion, love. These things are a fool's errand. Power. Power is the only thing that truly matters. Now, just a few days ago, he might have thought differently. However, just a few days ago, Shuuheki had actually lived. Now, however, “It” was in control. Neither Heki nor Shuu, as they were known more commonly, existed to the outside world anymore. Shuu had disappeared long ago, back when Shuuheki was a mere genin. Now, however, Heki had disappeared too. However, “It” was good at fooling those around him. He pretended that Heki was still alive, that HE was Heki, while Heki and Shuu resided in the back most corners of his mind. Shuu had been gone so long, he was lost forever. Heki, however, had been lost only a few days ago. However, he had willingly succumbed to “It.” His ability to fight his way back to the surface was destroyed by this action. Forever were these two locked away in his subconcious. Now only “It,” who goes by Shuuheki now, is in control. Heki had made quite a name for them in the village. The day after the village was saved, they were named Hokage. Except, Heki was gone for good. Now only Shuuheki rules the body.

    A messenger burst into the room. He was panting. Sanpo was his name. He was from the intel division, foreign sector. They had received a message. It was sent straight to Shuuheki. A map. The elders came in, and saw the map. Their faces drained of blood, the color running out of their faces. They looked at each other and walked out. They knew something. Shuuheki knew it. He would not just let them leave without telling him. With a few quick hand seals, the elders were stuck in place. “Listen, I can tell that you know something. Please, would you mind informing me of what that is?” With that, he released them. They came back and took a seat on the other side of the desk from him. “It is a map to a secret bunker designed for when the five Kages would have to meet. But, you are too new to go there. You have been a Kage for only a few days. Let us go in your stead.” “You are telling me all the Kage's will be in one location, here in the fire nation?” Thoughts, plans, raced through Shuuheki's mind. If he could get there first, he could plan something. He would have to leave soon. But, the elders would not let him. They decided that they must lecture him, if he were to go. Lecture on what truly caused the fear that seemed to permeate the village. The power of the nine tailed demon fox. Now, Shuuheki knew the stories. However, few knew EVERYTHING. The nine tailed demon fox was sealed in a sword below the village. The seal was close to breaking. The hatred and negative emotions that escaped from the loose seal was spreading throughout the village. It made sense. It made a lot of sense. And it also made sense what should be done with all that hatred. However, that was an action for another time. Right now, he had taken so much time to listening to the elders, there was no way he could have gotten to the location to set a trap. He would likely be barely able to get there in time.

    Shuuheki set off immediately. He exited through a passage under the village. If word got out that the Hokage was not in the village so soon after it was attacked, things would not be good. As such, the elders insisted that he sneak out through the tunnels that were normally used to evacuate civilians and low ranking nin in emergencies. After getting outside the village, he traveled quickly through the trees. It was not long before he reached the location that the map indicated. He saw another person arrive and followed him. It was the Tsuchikage. The Tsuchikage took his place under the Tsuchigakure symbol. Shuuheki followed suit and sat under the Konohagakure flag. He took out a single cigarette. He did not smoke, but they were the perfect size for twirling in his fingers. Pencils were too long, but he liked twirling something around to pass the time.

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Lara Fri Feb 03, 2012 9:20 pm

    The Fourth Mizukage sat on the roof on her Kage building, sitting in her cross-legged pose with her fiery orange-red eyes closed lightly. The soft, damp breeze blew around her lazily and played with her pink hair before moving on. The girl did not move, even when the hair whipped her face, or when sound reached her ears. Her mind was blank for once; it wasn’t racing with a million thoughts at once, as it was used to. Mayu breathed deeply and calmly, taking in the atmosphere of her beloved village. She absolutely loved leading her village, and she was loved in return.

    The girl would be doing her paperwork as usual, but her advisers had made her take an hour off of work every day to do some stress relieving exercise. She had agreed after a lot of convincing and now there she was, halfway through meditation at 2:30 in the afternoon. Mayu was very good at her meditation; though clearing her mind took longer than she had first anticipated. After her third or fourth day of her daily ‘relaxation time’, May managed to clear her mind completely.

    The wind began to pick up a bit, and rain began to fall lightly. The Mizukage didn’t mind, since the rain was warm and smelled nice. It wasn’t until it started to actually pour that Mayu opened her eyes wide and sighed. She had lost her concentration and it would take her another ten minutes to get it back. Besides, there was work to do; for example, calling a Kage meeting for the issue in Konoha. She had almost forgotten about that. The pinkette shook her head, And this is why meditation is bad for me. My mind has to be always active.

    She started on going back into concentration. Just as she was about to gain back her totally clear mind, she heard the slapping of shoes against wet ground and the harsh panting of someone out of breath. Mayu reluctantly opened her eyes again and glared at the ninja that had disrupted her. She wasn’t in the mood, as she really didn’t want to be up on her roof in the first place. She recognized the ninja as a messenger named Naomi. She had dark skin and hair with matching dark chocolate eyes.

    “Miss Mizukage!” The girl half shouted, half screamed at her. “There is an urgent letter from the Raikage for you!”

    Mayu blinked and stood. She walked over to the messenger quickly and tore into the letter. She scanned over it and smiled a bit. “Back to work. He beat me to it... If only I didn’t have to do this stupid meditation.” She muttered the last sentence and then dismissed the kunoichi. It was time to take a little trip to the Fire Country. The Mizukage swiftly gathered the things she would need for the meeting, such as her Kage robes, her Kage hat, and some obvious things for travel. She pondered the thought of escorts for a moment before deciding against it and grabbing a katana for defence.

    It took her a while to actually explain to her advisers that she had to leave for an important Kage meeting and that they were in charge, but she got through to them and was escorted to the edge of the Rain Country to a boat that was always prepared for her at any time. Mayu smiled at all of the crew as she passed by them, as she was in a rather good mood. May was just extremely happy to get out of 'relation time'.

    After a long three hours of sailing, the Mizukage reached the Fire Country's borders and took out her map to the secret meeting place. She picked up the pace and ran quite quickly to the little red 'x' that was marked on the detailed map of the Fire Country. When Mayu reached the destination, she scanned the area and saw the cave entrance, hidden a bit off to the side. It was a bit obvious, but only if you had been looking for it. She wandered casually over to the entrance, discretely making sure that no one had followed her. As soon as she was sure, Mayu dashed through the entrance and slowed to a fast paced walk.

    The cavern was old, way older than Mayu, that was for sure. She walked past the rooms, peeking into each one to check if any other Kages were already there. She had a sinking feeling that she was the last one to arrive. When she had found the room, she frowned a tiny bit at the fat that she was, indeed, the last Kage to arrive. Mayu walked calmly and purposely over to her seat under the Kirigakure flag and waited for someone to say something. She quickly examined the other Kages, putting names with faces. Only two female Kages... Typical. She glanced over at the Raikage, a little envious that he had beat her to calling a meeting. Then, Mayu looked down at the ring on her finger and twisted it a couple times with her free hand. She hated sitting still with nothing to do.


    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 32
    Location : In the shadows of death

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Kumori Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:38 am

    Kumori yawned slightly while waiting for the other four kages. It was boring. He had figured the others would not take as long as they were. However he took the chance to scan the area a little better. He got up from the table and stretched. The chairs were stone and very uncomfortable. It would seem that the kages of the past cared not for comfort, but for functionality. The walls of the cave were carved with village designs, each one carefully inlayed with gold. From the roof down to the floor were pillars about ten feet from the wall. They seemed to have inscriptions, each one exactly like the others. With a sigh he leaned close and read the short message, an ear flicking with a slight interest.

    “To future leaders,
    This cavern was designed for the use and comfort of the five leaders of the hidden villages. For the greater peace between villages this cavern is dedicated to them in order to meet and decide how to best promote peace. Please use this place for your advantage.”

    He couldn’t help but chuckle. Promoting peace? Nobody really wanted to do that. The land would be boring. No matter how little trouble there was, there would never be true peace. Everyone is always at each other’s necks. The best thing to do is remain neutral. That’s what he planned to do if a war broke out. He wouldn’t risk anything. It was the best thing to do. He didn’t want to have to deal with a war at such a young age as a kage. Plus with him being a jinchuuriki, which none of the other kage’s knew about, he didn’t want them all attacking him because of power. None of the others will know of him, only think of him as a very rare person with ears and a tail.

    Eventually he sat back down and closed his eyes. Almost just as he did the first kage came in. Quickly he opened one eye barely a fraction. He needed to see who it was. The girl was incredibly tall yet attractive. She also looked about the same age as himself. The look on her face said she wanted something. What it was? He didn’t know. But as he looked her up and down she looked fairly normal. But looks were almost always deceiving. Her face was considered to be attractive to most guys. However unlike most guys he didn’t care much for any sort of relationship. Or really sexual things in general. Business came first. He figured she was the Kazekage, as her clothes had grains of sand sticking in some places. As she sat down it was obvious she had no clue why they were here. So she began to examine her hands like the were the most interesting thing in the world.

    Soon after another two arrived. By their looks they were the Tsuchikage and the Hokage. Neither of them seemed to know what was happening. However he knew the hokage was only a few days into his post. He was actually surprised the village advisers didn’t come in his place. Although as he looked at the hokage, he could see some ulterior motive. It was an almost shifty look in his eyes as he glanced at each other kage taking their seats. When he sat down he pulled out a cigarette and started to spin it. That was odd as he did not light it. He looked fairly normal even for a kage.. The tsuchikage looked so far the kindest out of them. He would be the easiest to read and control as the time went on in the war that might break out in the coming times.

    Almost an hour passed before the final kage arrived. She was obviously the Mizukage. He could tell by looking her up and down that she was almost as dangerous as himself. She carried a katana on her hip as she walked. Not while she looked cute and innocent with her curly pink hair, he would be sure to stay on her good side. It was strange however that she was the only one wearing the robes long since abandoned by the kages.

    As soon as she took her seat he stood up. His eyes were still closed as he stepped out and cleared his throat quietly. He opened his eyes and stood there with his six blades on his back. While two of them looked confused as he looked in their eyes, the other two seemed to know. The mizukage of course knew as her advisers, with the mist village being so into customs, must have given her the kage outfit when she became a kage.

    “Now. Thank you for coming on such short notice. I am Kumori. As you probably have guess I am the Raikage.” He had spoke in a normal tone with his deep voice. His tail was swishing side to side slowly as he stood near the other end of the table across from the hokage. “Now. Let me get straight to the point. I have called you all here today to discuss the matter of the last demon. I’m sure most of you know about the sword being sealed beneath konohagakure. Howeve the blade is scheduled to be moved to the newly built sealing chambers in less than a year from now. However I fear that the seal will not last much longer. We need to figure out a course of action. It’s no longer an ‘if’ the beast will escape before the blade can be moved. It’s now a matter of ‘when.’” After he stopped talking he looked between everyone else in the room.

    He wanted to hear what each thought before he continued and offered his own proposal for what should be done. However one of his ears twitched as he thought. All of these kages were new. He had been in position for over three years. In a month it would be four. His only worry was that they would be unable to talk rationally.

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 32

    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Alexia Mon Feb 06, 2012 4:59 am

    Fascinatingly enough Alexia found it quite easy to stare at her hands and zone out completely. As she zoned out letting her mind wander about, thoughts of what she was doing as the Kazekage crept in. In all fairness she was quite qualified to be the Kage of the village. After all she did defeat the previous Kazekage in a fair 1vs.1 fight upon which all of Suna was witness. With the idea that the strongest of the strong were given the rank of Kage, it only made sense that Alexia earn the right to call herself Kage. Of course she was young for the position, but her age had nothing to really do with being a Kage since it was primarily just a head figure that did the paperwork. If only she had known that with power comes paperwork. Oh the terror that was the mountain of papers in her office, thinking of it made her shiver a little for she knew that even after this they were still gonna be there. Well whatever this is... she thought to herself making note that she still had not a damn clue of what was actually going on. Other then possibly meeting some of the Kages that she had never met in her full year of reign over Suna, it all seemed like a big wast to Alexia thus far. Slowly getting tired of thinking she began to 'un-zone' and began to focus in on the current events that were unravelling.

    The moment in which Alexia realized that her hands had been looked at enough was when the man with the white hair entered. Not knowing who he was she came to the rathe obvious conclusion that he was Iwagakure's Kage, since he sat under the rather large obvious symbol to give this away. In general she thought nothing of the man other then he, like every other male, was probably gonna be easy to manipulate. Staying silent to this point Alexia was tempted to speak out but decided it best not to and waited for the other 2 chairs to be filled.

    When the second person entered the room she felt as though she needed to start preparing herself for an attack. Looking him over with her peripheral vision, not even seeing his face, she felt something was fishy. Being raised as a skilled ninja it wasn't hard to tell when someone had more power then the average ninja. From the way they walked to the way they even breathed; everything was a hint at something about a person. Reminding herself again though that everyone in the room was a Kage she began to push the thought away. After the man sat in the chair, designating him as the Hokage, she smelled the cigarette. Closing her eyes and refusing to look in the direction the slight smell of the nicotine and disgusting tar made her want a smoke even more. Most people wouldn't have noticed the smell of a cigarette, but when you were as desperate at times as she the smelling a cigarette was crucial. Letting out the faintest of sighs Alexia thought of smoking one as a little part of her wanted to kill the Hokage just for the smoke. Then again not knowing the exact responses that the other two Kages would have, she left the thought alone.

    One chair remained open and as the boredom began to grow so did Alexia's tiredness. Feeling rather sleepy she kept blinking her eyes a few times randomly to keep from passing out, although made it appear as though she was just had something in her eyes. Not wanting to look tired infront of the other Kages caused her to go so far as to bite her own tongue to keep from yawning. Completely unaware at how much time had gone by as she owned no sort of time telling device she could have only guessed it was an hour or so. Good god this place is boring, they should have put something to do in here. was the only thought that she had in her head worth mentioning since her others were rather naughty. Images of when she first entered flowed through the young Kazekages head as she looked over the Kumogakure's Kage body. Her mental pictures must have been wrong cause she could have sworn he had cat ears and a tail. Not trusting her own eyes, Alexia shifted in her seat to look at the man for a brief second to take another mental snapshot. No way... He has a tail. she thought finding it rather cute.

    After a long hour or so had finally passed the Kirigakure's Kage entered. Obviously it was the Kiri's Kage since all the other seats were taken. Glancing over, this time not really caring if she blatantly looked right at the person entered, Alexia found herself very much so surprised. Having been told once she was the only female Kage made her realize that the man who said it was in fact an idiot. The surprise was a good one though since it wasn't everyday you found out that you were not the only powerful female. With not a single doubt in Alexia's mind that the Kirigakure Kage could make her go lesbian the singe idea of sex came to mind. Pushing such silly thoughts out as caused her to shiver for the second time that day. The girl with the pink hair might have been cute but she, unlike Alexia, was actually wearing the Kage robes. Rolling her eyes for all to see as the thought that her own was actually in dry cleaning and of course she hadn't picked up. Then again the map didn't say much else other then '-----------X'.

    Everyone seated caused Alexia to shift around in her seat slightly so that viewing everyone would be far easier. Focusing in on the person who had sent the message of course she waited. Waiting another few second more she was about to say something herself when finally the man spoke. Although the words he spoke were deeply important by far the most important thing on Alexia's mind was how he had a tail. Trying her very best not to get overly side tracked by the swishing of the tail as he spoke she tried to focus in on his lips. Making her ears listen closely to the words that spewed out of the man who apparently went by the name Kumori, she began to ponder on what all he was saying. Last demon? Sealed beneath Konohagakure? Blade to be moved? NEW sealing chambers? A BEAST ESCAPING? she frantically thought to herself. Running over what he had said again in her head she finally realized the reason for everyone being here. If you were a ninja then you knew the story of the Tailed Beasts. Being a ninja meant she knew the story and how it was not a fairytale but a reality. Suddenly she found her mouth moving and words coming out. A silly habit she had of asking a question without thinking it threw. "So why should I care again? It sounds like this is Konoha's problem." Realizing almost immediately after speaking the she probably just sounded like a dumb blonde did not upset Alexia but simple gave her an idea. She knew how to play innocent and dumb. Tricking people about her personality was easy, after all she tricked all of Suna including all the Jounin into believing her. Deciding to just keep on going with the dumb obvious questions she asked in her most kind hearted voice, "I mean if its such a big deal why not just reseal the demon?"

    Knowing the answer to her own question she smiled innocently as her question came across perfectly honest. The truth was that Alexia was actually wondering if Suna should make an aggressive move to claim such power or to back off and let the other villages fight over it. Having brought Suna into an almost Golden Age in just one year the thought of her bringing them into a war seemed like a bad joke. Then again it all depended on what the other Kages would do. Smiling softly and keeping her attention focused in on the Rakikage, Alexia kept herself calm waiting for the arguments and/or questions to be asked.


    OOC:(Sorry for any mistakes I am very tired and did this with a nasty headache nor have or will I re-read it tonight to fix them. Deal. X_x)

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Genkaku Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:50 pm

    As Genkaku was waiting in his seat, under the Iwagakure symbol, he waited, waited for the final two kage to arrive, so far the two kage who were here, besides Genkaku, was the Kazekage, a female, and the Raikage, a male. Genkaku sat there in silence as he waited for the final two kages to arrive and then they could begin on why Genkaku was here. Chakra was flowing through his fists as he waited, charging up the clay in his mouths on his hands, the current stage of the chakra in the clay made the clay C four explosive material. He could use the chakra for his clay, or transfer the chakra to one S ranked attack, yet he was just charging the chakra for his trip home, he hadn't planned on staying long.

    Awhile passed, time just flying by as Genkaku sat there just doing nothing, not a thought in his mind occurred since his arrival of the place he was now sitting in. He noticed the Hokage had walked in right after him. Now, one last person would be needed before they could begin, Genkaku hoped it wouldn't take long, if it would be awhile, longer then the Hokage's arrival, Genkaku would most likely leave.

    Awhile had passed, the Mizukage had arrived at last, Genkaku noticed her as she walked in, she was about the same age of Genkaku, Genkaku let a small smile upon his face as she took her seat. Now that all the kage were here, Genkaku wanted to know why they were here. He looked over to the Raikage, about to speak, when the Raikage started to tell everyone his name, Genkaku hadn't paid much attention as all he wanted to know was why he was here.

    About to speak again, Kumori started to speak once more, Genkaku had hoped it was about why everyone was here as he really didn't want to be here unless it would be important, though, all five kage gathering it must have been important, he kept his patience and waited for Kumori to finish as he spoke about some blade being sealed under Konohagakure, how it was going to be moved, and something about a beast on when it would escape while the blade is being moved, his sparked Genkaku's attention as he remained silent.

    After Kumori had finished, he had heard the Kazekage speak, she had a point, this was a matter for Konohagakure to handle, though maybe if Genkaku would volenteer to help he would gain more respect among the kage, and for him, respect meant power. He heard the kazekage mention about re-sealing the demon, Genkaku remained silent for a moment, and waited for another kage to speak.

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Zee Wed Feb 08, 2012 11:58 pm

    ((Sorry it is short, sorry it is late, but by the fourth time rewriting it it becomes a little annoying ー、-))

    Shuuheki placed the small round thing in his pocket as the final Kage walked in. He figured that they would no longer be sitting here waiting. The newest kage was quite beautiful. It was a good thing Shuuheki cared not for looks. Had Shuu still been around, and in control, he would have been talking to this Kage in no time flat, in a very... CASUAL manor, so to speak. Of course, Shuu was forever confined to the back of Shuuheki's conscious being. As such, there was no reason Shuuheki could not ignore the looks of the most recent kage to arrive, as well as the female kage who had arrived before him.

    Shuuheki watched as the Raikage started talking. Instead of continuing to sit back in his chair, he rested his head on his hands. His elbows rested on the table, his arms pointing up. They bent inward so that his palms looked down. The locus of all points equidistant from the plane defined by the top of the table and the line created by connecting two points on his hands would be in the shape of a three dimensional, non circular parabola, most easily described as a dip in the graph. The “vertex,” which was actually a line, lied on the midpoint of the segment perpendicular to the plane of the table and the line made by his hands, while being incident with both such surfaces, without intersecting them. This would result in the tops of his hands, right where his fingers crossed, becoming a perfect place to rest his chin. He did such, waiting for a moment to speak.

    Shuuheki listened to the comments made by the Kazekage. “I fully agree, Lady Kazekage. This is Konoha's issue. I would be much obliged if the rest of you would let us deal with it as such.” He said this while standing up and leaning over the table, looking each of the kage's in the eye. “If you would prefer to leave it at this, I would say that this meeting is adjourned. If so, I shall personally apologize for the Raikage's mistake at thinking we needed to hold a meeting on this topic.” Shuuheku said this sentence lightly, without a foul tone. However, by saying it, he was trying to convey ineptitude, incompetence, anything to plant a seed of doubt into the other kage, though not any degree that would seem impossible. He knew that the Raikage, having been the one to call the meeting, would have something to say on the matter. If he could have it his way, the Raikage would be ignored, and the voices saying to let Konoha deal with it would reign supreme. “However, if someone should have a better idea, please say it.” Shuuheki hoped they would simply let him leave, let Konoha do with it what they, no, what HE, saw fit. He somewhat doubted it, however. “And, on resealing it, I have been informed that our entire sealing squad we can spare is on it, save four. Those four are purposely standing guard around the sword should the demon escape. However, to my knowledge, at this moment, there is no way to reinvigorate the seal, or to reseal it.” Shuuheki remained standing under the Konoha flag, leaning against the table. His arms lay at a perfect ninety degree angle to the plane of the table top, as did his legs. His chest laid along at an angle that had a perfect co-secant of the whole number two divided by the square root of three.

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Lara Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:52 am

    As soon as Mayu realized that none of the other Kages were wearing the Kage robes, she felt sort of like the pariah. She bit her lip slightly and ignored the feeling. She was a Kage, and she took it seriously, so she wore the robes. That would be her argument should it come up in conversation, though she didn’t expect it to. Mayu also noticed she was the last to arrive and the other Kages looked bored. The girl hoped that she had not been too long getting there, but her travel had been the longest, so it was understandable. She slipped her emerald ring back onto her ring finger and glanced upwards to the speaking Kage.

    Mayu watched the Raikage as he spoke with confidence. She narrowed her eyes slightly in confusion at his ears and tail, but then pushed it away for later thoughts and continued to listen to his words. He made sense so far, and she approved completely. The girl didn’t know his name, but she took a mental note that this was also a smart Kage, as she herself was. Though, he wasn’t quite as intelligent as she. He seemed like a great ally to have, and she couldn’t help but notice he was quite attractive looking. She looked down and mentally scolded herself. The Mizukage didn’t have time to be thinking about boys like a teenager. Mayu waited for him to stop speaking, and she was just about to open her mouth and speak, but then the Kazekage spoke up.

    The Mizukage could not believe was she was hearing. First of all, the Kazekage had suggested it was only Konoha’s problem, but she also asked why she should care. Mayu wondered how the girl had become Kage. Then she caught that sort of glint in the girl’s eyes that suggested she was putting on a bluff, and the Mizukage relaxed a tiny bit. Then the Hokage spoke up. He agreed that it was his problem? How was it only his problem? She slowly shook her head while listening to both of their arguments. As soon as the Hokage stopped talking, Mayu stood and took a deep breath before beginning to talk.

    “What I am hearing, is that you do not think this is a problem for any of the rest of us, correct? You are sadly mistaken. If this demon roams free, I believe it may, no, will go into a rage and if you think that it is going to just stay in Konoha, then you are an idiot. Both of you. So yes, I trust that this is an issue for all of the great countries.” She paused and then continued to speak in a clear voice. “You are right, Kazekage, about resealing the demon, though. I will give you some credit for that notion... and Hokage, I sure hope that you find a way to reseal it, because if not, then it will become a problem for all of us.

    “Furthermore, I think that we should take exclusive measures to ensure that the blade is moved and that the demon does not escape during the time that it is exposed. I am sure you,”
    She paused once more looking at the Kazekage and then the Hokage. “Understand that at least? It is rather simple, really, so you should be able to realize that I am right.”

    Mayu sat down again, ready to have glares and harsh, stupid words thrown at her. She was used to having people being unpleasant to her because of her intelligence, and how could this be any different?

    (Sorry for short post Animesweat)

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Kumori Thu Feb 09, 2012 4:38 am

    Kumori only had to wait a moment before the first kage spoke. It was of course the kazekage. He had assumed each of the kages knew of the danger that this final demon posed to the lands. Unfortunately he was the most senior kage. He had been the raikage for almost four years. He went to his first five kage meeting during his first year and the predecessors of these other four were much older and wiser. But he remained calm while the kazekage made her short statement.

    He was actually rather surprised. She assumed that it was simply konoha’s problem. That was a very amateur thing to say or think. From what he had heard she only became the kazekage because she beat her predecessor in a fight. He of course didn’t approve of such a way to gain rank. His ear flicked with slight irritation. But he remained quiet, standing at the end of the table. As he looked over the remaining three he can tell that the Tsuchikage was thinking. By the look in his eyes, Kumori could hardly tell if he agreed with the Kazekage. His body language was extremely vague. He seemed to almost be trying to hide it. This was not the time for such actions however as he needed everyone’s input. Again Kumori skilfully hid his thoughts and reactions. One of his ears flicked and a slight buzzing sound filled the chamber for only a moment. None of the others would know the exact source as not many have seen the effect his thoughts and emotions had on his unnatural features.

    It was soon after this that the hokage spoke up. From the first moment the hokage walked in, Kumori could see he would be trouble. He was naive and new to being a kage. Kumori assumed he probably tricked his way into power. But his words caused Kumori much irritation. He actually had the nerve to subtly insult him. Not only that but he could clearly see that the hokage was one that craved power. He could see that the man wanted nothing but control. It was basically written all over his face. Before the hokage had even finished speaking the room became filled with the small sound of electricity discharging. Kumori’s tail was beginning to change from pure black to yellow with a black tip. It was slowly changing as if lightning was carving yellow paths through the fur, changing its colours. It was a sign of anger. To Kumori the three of them were simply fools who assumed it was not a worldwide issue. But his face remained calm and his body still. Only his right ear flicked and his tail discharged that errie black lightning.

    Then the Mizukage spoke. She was quite attractive even to somebody who cared not for relationships. However he could even see himself falling for such a girl if he remained in her presence. But to him looks were not important. He could see she was strong. Perhaps even as strong as himself were it not for his secret. But not only was she beautiful, she was vastly intelligent. She knew how it was unlike the other three. She was even smarter than him. Which he smiled on the inside about. She spoke truthfully and agreed with him. However he was slightly frustrated he couldn’t read her. But it was a little funny how she almost outright insulted the kazekage and hokage for being such fools.

    When she stopped speaking, he spoke up once again. His voice was laced with frustration and anger. “It is just as the mizukage stated. This is a problem of all the nations. We are already having trouble keeping the first eight demons at bay from destroying everything. This final nine tailed demon is stronger than them all. When he escapes it would be disastrous.” He let out a small growl before continuing. “You all need to think bigger. Konoha will not be the only place destroyed. I’m sure you can all feel the hatred falling over the land. The source is what is sealed inside that blade. That beast is nothing but a mass of hate and malevolence. Such a powerful mass of chakra and hate will not be stopped. Even the five of us here are powerless against him. Even if we worked together.”

    When he concluded he again wanted to hear what was stated from each of the other kages. Clearly one of them would soon become hostile and he had a feeling it would probably be the hokage. Kumori decided right at that moment that no matter what happened, he would not allow the hokage to gain such control of the nine tails. None of them knew how powerful the raikage really is. As none of them know what lies within. His tail was swaying side to side quicker. It was a natural sign from a feline when they are not happy about something. He needed the other kage’s to actually think about what was to happen. If they didn’t, there could be a war.

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Alexia Thu Feb 09, 2012 6:59 am

    With her complete attention on the Raikage, it was no wonder that Alexia started to pick up on some rather interesting things. After her piece was spoken of how she really could care less she watched as his ears flicked. So they are real and thats for sure... she thought to herself. When the mans ears flicked again and a soft buzzing started up, Alexia wondered if the noise was connected to him. Although she was by far no genius or some super brain child it was most notable that she was not dumb in any way shape or form. Never was it hard to piece together the puzzle in class or in any situation she was in. It might have taken her longer then some but at the end of the day her slow perfect calculations had always kept her alive. By far there was something 'fishy' about the Raikage. Ideas flowed through her head, all the while as the school lessons, teachings, and stories she had read flowed in her subconscious. Drawing a real blank on the whole tail and ears thing, the only logical explanation was that the Raikage had some incredible fake ears/tailor he was part cat in some way or form. Since the tail and ears seemed to be realistic, reacting to the mans emotion, the obvious answer must be the right one. Or so Alexia had come to conclusion of. Setting the long overly complicated thoughts aside for a minute she listend to the Hokage give his two cents.

    Initially Alexia had made it clear in her mind that everyone was to not be trusted. The levels of trust though could always go down and when the Hokage actually agreed with her silly comments, they definitely did just that. Closing her eyes for just a minute the idea of having to argue with people suddenly brought Alexia to a rather simple idea. Opening her eyes to hear the rest of the Hokage's little rant about how Konohagakure was dealing with it, Alexia grinned. Such a grin of hers was not evil. Nor was it good. Rather it was just a grin of no real good or bad emotion, the type of grin that scared the living hell out of anyone who knew the Kazekage. It wasn't that she was gonna do something bad but rather she had made up her mind and it didn't matter what you said. I think I will just have to do whats best for me in this situation... Or Suna, even though I am Suna... thought Alexia as her grin faded. Primarily it faded when the Raikage's right ear flickered and the buzzing noise returned again. Sure enough it was in correspondence to the Hokage saying some rather subtle demeaning comments about the Raikage. Trying hard not to let out a giggle as suddenly she had him caught. Oh Alexia was to clever for herself sometimes, at least thats what she liked to think. I think I have you figured out Mr. Raikage. she thought to herself. Finally though the room was silent for a bief second in which the Mizukage had taken a deep breath. When she started to speak Alexia focused her attention on the attractive female in the room other then that of her self of course.

    Upon the Mizukage opening her mouth, Alexia began to block out everything she said. It wasn't that she didn't care it was just that she really didn't need to listen to a girl who thought she was a genius tell everyone else why they were stupid in what they said. Watching the body language of the pink haired girl did nothing more then generate a few random fantasy moments for Alexia. Thoughts of playing rough came to mind as she was a very sexually driven person and although relationships meant nothing to her the benefits sure did. Smiling as the sound of 'Yada Yada Yada...' came out of the Mizukages mouth, by far Alexia knew how to annoy the girl the most and it involved simply ignoring her. It wasn't like she could actually ever get with the pink haired girl since it was obvious she took her Kage position seriously, being the only one who had the hat and robe. Hearing the word 'idiot' thrown out there and then the phrase 'Understand that at least?' only caused Alexia to roll her eyes. Leaning back in her chair she ran over what the Mizukage said, although having not listened to it all that well it was rather pointless. Luckily it seemed like the it seemed to be the Raikage's turn to talk and sure enough he did.

    Unlike with the Mizukage, Alexia actually paid complete attention to the Raikage although not for what he was saying but rather his tail and ears. She was sure of it that he was a demon or half demon. To the scale on demon she was not aware although figured it was some minor cat demon of some sort, all thanks to a picture she once saw of a cat demon that took the shape as a man. When he spoke of how all the nations were in danger and it was not just Konoha's issue Alexia actually completely agreed although had agreed with the statement in the beging. Yet when the Raikage mentioned that the beast would not be stopped she completely disagreed. After he was done speaking Alexia let the swaying of his tail keep her attention for a few more seconded before opening her mouth to move making the noise that was known as speech.

    "Sunagakrue will not be bothered to get into any sort of conflict with any of the other nations since it is currently in a economic upturn that war would only upset." Alexia spoke very firmly with a change in her voice from the ding bat that had spoken earlier. Looking right at the Mizukage she let her eyes show the lack of fear as the words flowed off her tongue, "Sunagakure will also not be bothered to deal with those who show little respect." Moving her attention over the the Hokage she spoke again, "Sunagakure will definitely not be bothered to deal with who are greedy for power." Alexia stood up and then looked right at the Raigakure again as she slowly let out a sigh before finally speaking, "What I am saying is that Suna will not participate in this silly dispute but would rather stay neutral. Should the demon get free we will be glad to help. As of for now there is not a damn thing a half-demon, a silent, a power hungry, and a conceited Kage can do about it. "

    Although she listened to the Raikage, Alexia had made up her mind when the Hokage spoke. In all honesty her answer was the same that the previous Kage would have given. Sunagakure did not need a war. None of the countries needed a war, but should it start over the tailed demon then Suna would just defend itself remaining neutral. This was something that the village had not normally done and most of the people would be surprised. Yet almost everyone in Sunagakure would agree with the choice of staying out of it.


    OOC: (Ok did this at 3 in the morning with a headache. -_- I really need to post sometime when not in pain/tired/not 100%. LOL sorry for mistakes, again.)


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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Genkaku Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:07 pm

    Genkaku, was sitting there, listening to the kage say what they had to say, while himself, remained quiet. He had heard the Hokage say that he agreed with the Kazekage, that this was Konohagakure problem, Genkaku, slightly agreed, only because he didn't want to get involved with this. Then again, this way could lead towards a path of power for Iwagakure, which meant that Genkaku's plans could be slightly edited for the better. He waited to speak, listening to the Mizukage speak about this being every village's problem. He had heard mention of re-sealing the beast, Genkaku was a specialist in Fuinjutsu, Fuinjutsu being sealing styled jutsu. He had sealing techniques from the great Uzumaki clan, eight trigram sealing style, one of the Uzumaki's sealing jutsu.

    He listened as the Raikage began to speak once more, agreeing with the Mizukage. Genkaku decided to agree with the Raikage and the Mizukage. Now, he needed to say something, speech, something Genkaku wasn't too great with, but he just thought, Meh why not. Waiting until the Raikage would finish speaking, Genkaku would speak.

    Right before Genkaku got the chance to speak, the Kazekage began to speak. She mentioned that Sunagakure not bother with this situation, though Genkaku not paying too much attention to her, she did mention that Suna would be glad to help if the beast got loose.

    Now, after it appeared everyone but him has talked on this matter, Genkaku began to speak. "If it is re=sealing you need.... I shall be happy to help" He said with a friendly smile on his face, trying to get the kage to think that he was friendly, and he was actually trying, he didn't really hate this meeting now, though that was only because of the mention of the beast. I could send myself to re-seal the beast if necessary, if needed I will also supply a few of Iwagakure's shinobi He said with a smile, hoping he made sense in all the words he had spoken, he had not really talked to people much before, he was a quiet person, he had just noticed this though.

    [short sorry]

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    Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private) Empty Re: Meeting of the five Kages (Kage's only. Private)

    Post by Zee Wed Feb 15, 2012 12:12 am

    As soon as it was clear that they would not be dismissed that easily, Shuuheki sat down. He listened to the argument of the Mizukage and realized he had made a tactical error. Some may, at this moment, attempt to keep a blank face. However, the seventeen years he has been lurking just beneath the surface, observing, but never affecting, have taught him how to hide emotions, and what people infer from emotions. A blank face would lead them to believe that he was acting suspiciously now. However, a face that portrayed “Oh, I'm stupid” to the whole world. Out of tradition, however, instead of interrupting then to fix the situation, he waited until the other Kage's finished their own statements. He also noticed the curiosities of the Raikage, and noted them. It was not until he heard Lady Kazekage's comments that he connected the dots, however.

    “I shall start by apologizing to you all, and I shall explain why.” He said this Moving forward in his chair. He did not stand up this time, but you would not have been able to tell very much difference, with the ways his arms would fly as if describing what he is saying. “What I meant by 'This is Konoha's issue. I would be much obliged if the rest of you would let us deal with it as such. ' was something that those words brought across terribly. It is an error made on my part to attempt to oversimplify what I meant to a phrase so shallow as this. What I meant by this phrase is that the ESCAPE of the bijuu is Konoha's problem. No other Hidden Village's ninja should be around while it is transported, or when we fear the beast may escape. As to why, imagine that we are at war with the beast, which will happen should it escape. In war, one of the stupidest things you can do as the first move is an all out assualt. You have no clue how the enemy will react. If they react well, they may very well wipe out your whole force. However, if you send out a front line, they can devise the strategy of the opposition. With that knowledge, future waves can be sent with higher probabilities of success. Lord Tsuchikage,” he said, looking over to the Tsuchikage, “if you think your input on the resealing of the beast would be of use, I welcome you to communicate with use over TV relays. However, for the reasons I have just stated, I will warn you that it would be unwise to teach in person.”

    With this, Shuuheki's gaze shifted over towards the Mizukage. “Lady Mizukage, I hope that, now that I have explained myself, you will realize that your first impression of my character was inaccurate. I do not believe that this is a problem solely of Konoha's, and neither did I say such. However, it is understandable how my words were taken to mean such, vague as they were. I apologize for this.” Shuuheki now looked over towards the Raikage. “Lord Raikage, I hope that your opinion of myself has changed as well. I am not a fool who fails to see the big picture. In fact, I think I may have figured something out about you, and I must thank the Kazekage” he says, looking over at her, “for helping me completely connect the dots.” He looked back over at the Raikage. “She mentioned that you may be half demon. However, my theory is a little different. I know of the stories of the Nekomata, strange two tailed cats that have powers over the dead. This makes me think of the Nibi, the two tailed beast. Your features seem to be oddly cat-like. However, the Nibi has no connection with lightning. Albeit, there is another demon I know of that has both several cat-like features, and power over the element lightning, which is quite obviously the source of the noise and light coming from your tail, and that demon would be the Rokubi, the six tailed beast. Now, there may be others I do not know about but, if you are the host of the Raijuu, it would be incredibly beneficial to the cause to inform us of how you have it inside of you, and how you control it. If any other Kage has access to information like this, it would be wise to share it. Being but a few days into the Kage position, I know not if there is information on this topic in Konoha, but I shall check immediately upon my return. Please, hold onto this vital information no longer, for, the sooner we cooperate, the greater the likelihood of success. And, on the topic of power hungry,” he said loking over to the Kazekage, “I doubt that you have reason to call me so, aside from a statement I made that I have since explained in more detail. And, even if you do, you of all people should not be calling me so. You fought the previous Kage for the position, did you not? I, on the other hand, was elected into the position after prtecting the entire village following the death of the previous Kage, may he rest in peace.” He had said this all, perfectly conveying the emotions in ways he knew others to convey them from having studied them. It would be difficult, no, almost impossible, to discern that any of this was a lie, ignoring the fact that very little of it was falsehoods.

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