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2 posters

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Kino Uchiha

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2012-02-02

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Kino Uchiha Sun Feb 05, 2012 11:51 pm

    Kino, carrying the blade with the Uchiha clan symbol on the front of it, over his solder, was exploring the forest just outside of Konohagakure, he had not been outside of the village too much, and when he was he usually only trained out here. This time he was just looking around, for now anyways. He was just walking in the forest with nothing to do, the sun shining past the leaf and branches in the trees just above Kino's head, let loose small rays of sun shine that lightened up the forests floor as he walked on, towards random places he had not yet seen. He did not want to wander out too far from Konohagakure. His mind was still, peaceful, not too many noises were in the forest, just the birds singing, and the crickets chirping, it would be peaceful to most. But, some may dislike this noise, it was quiet, and peaceful to Kino though. He carryied the big black steel blade through the forest, it being larger then him yet he still able to hold it up, The blade could have certain elements of chakra stored inside and used as a weapon. He continued walking as the wind provided a small breeze that would soon hit Kino in the face, creating a cool chill on a rather warm day, the breeze had also pushed what few clouds there were in the sky, gently along. Kino just continued walking enjoying the peace and quiet.

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Lara Mon Feb 06, 2012 1:02 am

    Lara Hyuuga sighed, shaking her head. She sat on the soft forest floor outside of Konohagakure, cross-legged, wearing her usual ANBU outfit. She had her mask in her bag, which was thrown to the side carelessly. The day was beautiful and leaves floated effortlessly, carried by the soft, warm breeze. She could hear distant sounds from the village, as well as some footsteps. Lara dismissed the footsteps and continued to talk to her friend.

    "I guess you're right, Miku, as usual." She sighed once more and got up. The girl glanced back at the redhead, only to see she was gone. Lara bit her lip. She hated when Miku just left like that, though she knew that she couldn't help it. The Hyuuga girl bit her thumb and dragged it across the tattoo on her left inner forearm. This would summon another ghost, and hopefully it would be Miku again.

    But it wasn't. "Oh, why hello there, Lara-chan."

    "Ailde.. Go away." She tried to glare, but the truth was that the ghost did scare her. Lara quickly looked around, hoping that no one noticed that she was talking to--what it looked like--nothing. When she saw no one, she eased up a bit. "I was looking for Miku."

    "Well, you got me. What do you want?"The dark haired boy smirked.

    "Go away!" She yelled a little too loudly.

    (Sorry for my really bad post x.x I'm kind of out of it)
    Kino Uchiha

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2012-02-02

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Kino Uchiha Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:13 pm

    Kino was walking, through the forest in a peaceful quiet mood, he was nice and calm. he was carrying his blade, which had an Uchiha symbol on the front of the steel blade, which was black colored. As Kino continued walking on in the forest, he had heard someone yell, he ran in the direction of where the yell came from. Upon arriving to where he had heard the yell, he had seen a women, in an ANBU suit.

    He stood there with his blade ready for a battle encase something was going on, after scanning the area quickly finding nothing he looked at the female in an ANBU outfit. Hello was all he had to say to her, not really knowing what had happened. His blade stood there ready for a fight, but not with this women, he stood there still scanning the area waiting to see if something would pop out, encase there was something.

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Lara Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:46 pm

    Lara didn't have time for bickering with rude dead people. She needed to work out her problems peacefully and yelling was just bringing her stress upwards. She still did not notice the Uchiha right away, but Ailde saw him and continued to make her angry for the sake of making her look insane. "Maybe, I don't want to go away. I rather like spending time with you, really. It's fun." The girl glared with a bitter intensity that she had reserved for just these moments.

    "Go. Away. Now." She said as best as she could without her voice shaking. Lara waited for a response and noticed that Ailde was looking not at her, but just behind her. The colour drained from her skin at the thought that someone could be watching her. She didn't dare look back, so she locked eyes with the ghost in front of her. His stare felt mocking and it felt hot on her skin, like a ray of light.

    "Well, now that I've made you look bad, I best be going." Ailde said quickly and faded.

    Lara turned her head slowly to see a man. Her stomach felt sick, as it did when she was nervous. She examined him and saw the Uchiha crest on his sword. She felt even worse, knowing he was from her village. "U-Um... Hello..." She stuttered.
    Kino Uchiha

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2012-02-02

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Kino Uchiha Thu Feb 09, 2012 12:00 am

    Standing there, with his blade on his solder once again, after seeing there was no one around besides this women, who may or may not have been Konohagakure ninja. The winds blew Kino's hair slightly as he waited for a response in dead silence. After a few seconds, she just said to go away, Kino, with a confused face just took a small step back, about to turn around and leave the women who seemed to be a little annoyed or angered, when she said hello back, this confused Kino a tad more, but all he could think of doing was to introduce himself uh.. Hi, I am Kino, Uchiha, a genin of Konohagakure. Though his village and rank may have seemed obvious, with his konohagakure headband over his forehead, and then his age would most likely had given up his rank, though few people could have been a higher rank, and Kino hadn''t normally seen people so the age of fourteen may or may not have been a normal age for the average genin, he now stood there in response of the women again, he would just wait, a little confused from being told to go away and then the women saying hello.

    Posts : 35
    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Lara Thu Feb 09, 2012 1:16 am

    Lara saw the confusion on his face and mentally noted to kill Ailde later. Well. Not literally, since he was already dead. She smiled kindly, trying the convince the Genin that she was not crazy. "Hi, Kino. I'm Lara Hyuuga, also of Konohagakure, though I am and ANBU at rank Jounin." She knew that she was totally going against her ANBU rules by revealing her identity, but she wasn't even wearing her mask, so Lara didn't care. I am so going to get kicked out of ANBU... she thought to herself.

    "Um, this may be hard to believe, but I was just talking to one of my summons that was bothering me." She wanted to clear that up before he thought anything else about her. Lara was used to the whispers in town. A lot of them were saying she was insane, a lot of them were cursing her for being a Jinchuuriki, and more often than not, she was ridiculed for both.

    The girl sat on the ground. "So, what are you doing out here all alone? Don;t you have a team to be training with?"

    (Sorry for realllly short post, it's 1 in the morning and I'm tired..)
    Kino Uchiha

    Posts : 9
    Join date : 2012-02-02

    Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki Empty Re: Meeting two tailed Jinchuuriki

    Post by Kino Uchiha Sat Feb 11, 2012 6:23 pm

    Kino stood there, listening to the women, as she said her name, and what village she was from. She also said her rank, a jounin and ANBU member. Kino, not too surprised because of Lara's appearance, though without a mask, not normal for ANBU members to be seen without their masks. He also heard her mention she was a Hyuuga, someone with a doujutsu, Kino didn't know too much about Hyuuga, just that they had a doujutsu as their kekkei genkai and they were normally taijutsu users.

    He had heard her mentioning that she was talking with her summonings earlier, though, Kino had not remembered seeing any summons near by when he arrived. He had heard her mention that the summoning was bothering her, Kino simply replied with Alright then

    He then had heard her ask a question, on why Kino was out here. Kino replied with a quick answer, after her asking another question on if he had a team to be training with. I am just out exploring the forest, nothing else, and no, I don't have a team he replied to the questions, now he wondered why she was out here So.. why are you out here then?

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