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    Sad Death to a Small Village [Private]


    Posts : 44
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    Sad Death to a Small Village [Private] Empty Sad Death to a Small Village [Private]

    Post by Alexia Tue Feb 07, 2012 9:53 pm

    Clang-Clang-Clang! It was the sound of bells that were not meant to be beautiful. Hanging from the necks of various breeds of Wagyu, japanese cows, were the all to annoying cow bells. The farmers herded their cattle along the road as the rain poured down with no mercy. They wanted out of the rain yet the cattle sure didn't seem to mind so just slowly walked along the road. Although it was hard to tell what time of day it was exactly because of the clouds that loomed overhead, it was definitely early in the morning. As the farmers pushed their Wagyu along the trail they finally arrived at the small village. Continuing to rain hard the lack of people outside certainly would seem logical. Yet for some reason even the markets were closed down and everyone knew that a market didn't close cause just a little rain. The men herding the cattle kept them to the outskirt while they went into the town to do some trading with the local village. Obviously they planned to trade cattle for other various supplies. Walking about the group of men began to realize that the village was empty. Knocking on various doors to see if anyone was around the silence as the rain fell gave all the men a chill down their spines. Though the village was small it didn't seem logical that the 150+ people living there would disappear completely. Deciding to check out and do a little more investigating the boss of the farmers, a rather sturdy looking man who stood at a full 6 feet tall, he barked out a few orders to some of the others to look around. He had come to this village before to trade and it was always a lively place, not a ghost town. Little did he know that he had just walked into a place of death where a demon lived. This demon was the reason for the disappearance of all the towns people, this demon was the reason that the cattle farmers needed to be afraid for their lives.

    The yelling and knocking on the doors is what woke Manami. Sitting up quickly she looked about wondering who it was and what they wanted. Knowing that everyone else in the village was not around gave her the idea that it must be traders, raiders, or tourists. Hoping it was tourists for she had never once in her life met any of their kind she quickly arose from her bed. Truthfully though it was not her bed but that of a families she had killed and since they wouldn't be needing it anymore Manami figured she would just use it. Being in the nude she quickly put on her basic clothing although didn't bother with shoes or socks. Taking a quick peak out the window to see the rain had not stopped raining the memories of what had occurred in the village just that night came rushing back. Grinning at the memories of slaughtering the last 2 people in the village was nothing awkward for Manami. Killing made her happy and when your happy your supposed to show it, right? Well thats at least what she was told at one point in her life by the very villagers she had been killing. Taking her sweet time she walked to the back door then opened it exiting the house. Not even caring if anyone was around the bare foot teenage girl began walking in a straight line. Giggling at the feeling of the mud between her toes showed the childish side of Manami if anyone had been watching, but no one was. Arriving at the edge of the town it surprised her that she didn't run into any of the raiders. Assuming they were raiders at least Manami had no idea who they were nor did she actually care. Heading out onto a field she was on her own little mission. "I wonder if the rain washed away more of the dirt or if its not gonna be an issue..." she said talking to herself as usual. Then she finally stopped walking and sighed only to then let out a soft laugh. Once she started to laugh though it was rather hard for her to stop. The reason for her laughter was all to apparent, the bodies she had buried were starting to be uncovered. Although most people wouldn't laugh Manami did because she had kept telling herself that it was gonna rain and all the dirt was gonna be washed away. Sure enough it did and now the 150+ bodies that had slowly been dumped into the enormous ditch were being uncovered.

    Of course Manami hadn't killed everyone in one night for that would have been nearly impossible. Instead she had been slowl killing the villagers off 1 by 1 every day. Sure enough her little game was found out and everyone else had to go. Surprisingly it took the people almost a full 3 weeks to actually realize that it was Manami, since she tricked everyone into thinking she was helping them find the killer. After those 3 weeks though she had killed a little over 70 people or almost half the village. When the village as a whole realized she was the killer they all lit their torches and grabbed their pitch forks. Yet it was hopeless for them to even try to fight against Manami since she was far more skilled then a bunch of peasants could ever dream of being. The killing of a whole bunch of men who were gathered all together was not nearly all that fun. Far more fun was the hunting of the rest of the women and children who hid in the houses, or at least in Manami's mind this was so. It was really a shame in Manami's mind cause the game could have gone on so much longer, but all good things must come to an end.

    Ending her laughing fit Manami let out another deep sigh realizing that she was probably gonna have to re burry the bodies or have a big bonfire. The thoughts of a bonfire were more appealing but the never ending rain made it much harder. Hearing some more yelling back in the town didn't make her nervous. In fact it excited her for it meant that she wasn't gonna have to not kill today but rather she was going to be able to kill or even toy with the people who had arrived. Rolling her eyes as the rain only worsened the thought of having to deal with the dead bodies in the mud on the other hand did not excite her. Grabbing the shovel she was about to start when she saw the fog on the horizon. It was thick and it was rolling in fast. Giggling at her own 'naughty' thoughts she dropped the shovel and grabbed an arm that was sticking out to pull up the body. Dragging the younger yet dead man across the field and in the direction of the village Manami found herself wishing she had worn shoes. Reaching the village edge she placed the body in such a way to make it look like he was crawling back to the village. Anyone who knew much about bodies would be able to tell that he had in fact been dragged but simple farmer, would not be able to tell. She had come to the conclusion so suddenly that they were farmers when the sound of cowbells clanging reached her ears. Stretching out a little Manami then cleared her throat and screamed as loud as she could. Running towards the direction of a house that had been the scene of her most bloody killing, the motions of the plan began to start. If the farmers were like anyone else they would run away and get help but not after first checking the houses for valuables. Times were tough and money was needed so the idea of a town being dead simply meant an opportunity to get some extra funds. She took a leap of faith on this. Little did she know that although correct, that the farmers would in fact steal from the houses, a third party was about to enter the situation to possible ruin her game. Had she known that Konoha was sending a team to deal with the situation she would have set up a trap for ninjas, but instead Manami just set up a trap for mere cattle farmers. Yet this was unknown information to her and her mind was busy elsewhere. Thoughts of killing the farmers rushed through the head of Manami as her whole world began to revolve around a single thing. Killing.

    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 32
    Location : In the shadows of death

    Sad Death to a Small Village [Private] Empty Re: Sad Death to a Small Village [Private]

    Post by Kumori Sun Feb 12, 2012 11:56 pm

    Madara groaned and got up from his soft bed. It has been more than two weeks since he had returned from the failed mission to investigate a string of murders on the outskirts of the fire country in a small town. He had been mostly bedridden during the entire time. But today was the day he would leave the village and take care of the investigation. It was much like the first time. But it hurt his shoulders to put his red armour on. He quickly adjusted and the sore muscles quickly relaxed under the familiar weight. He got a strange feeling that this mission would potentially change his entire life. Like always he gave his manager his keys and said goodbye. With that he started making his way to the hokage’s office.

    It seemed like a much longer walk than it was. With every step it brought new memories of Suke back to him. But he kept shoving them back. He would take revenge for his death. But above all he wanted to make peace. The land was on the brink of war every year. His dream was to change that. He wanted true peace to fall over the land. He could only see one way of that happening. But nobody would enjoy it. And it would take time. He continued to think of how it would be done. He would need lots of help from other powerful shinobi. It was a risky plot. He stopped thinking about it and pushed it to the back of his head when he reached the hokage’s office.

    He was only there for a moment and soon took off. It was almost exactly the same as last time. The told him his mission and gave him a few supplies. However he was given a grey cloak to wear over his shinobi gear. He noted how it almost made him look like a farmer. He however didn’t care about unravelling that puzzle. So he took off once again. Except he traveled much faster through the village. He wanted this to be done and over with. When he reached the gate he passed the checkpoint no problem and started making the trip.

    He rested every couple hours and caught his breath. He was moving much more quickly than last time. Having passed the halfway point in about a fifth of the time. He found the cloak to be rather comfortable. It forced him to slow down slightly but he didn’t mind. He was fast even for an uchiha, but he was not nearly the fastest in Konoha. When he was almost there he slowed down and rested. Which he was taking a breather he watched in the distance. He could see the outline of a small town. He knew it would be where his mission was placed. So he jumped out of the tree he was in and made his way to the edge of the most outward crops. Basics of stealth, blend in. So he covered his cloak in dirt and covered his head. He knew his disguise wasn’t the best but it would be sufficient to hide himself against somebody who didn’t suspect his presence.

    He quickly made his way through the crops before hitting the edge and slowed down. He changed his attitude and made his presence known but unknown at the same time. That is until he heard a scream. Looking both ways he made his way to where the scream began. He ignored the screaming person who sounded like a girl. When he arrived at the source. It was right next to what appeared to be a dead farmer. He examined the drag marks and how the body was positioned. It was clearly dragged there. There were already a few farmers and their wives gathered around. So he narrowed his eyes and slowly made his way towards the direction of the scream. He found the persons spread out footprints. Clearly she was running. The farmers noticed the same things and followed a few moments later, following the same clues. It leads directly to a house. He stopped a couple houses down and hid around the corner, knelt down and watching the house closely. ”Clearly it must be a trap. The person running must have been the killer. I’m surprised she’s still here after all this time. I better just wait here. I hope none of the farmers...” He thought but his thoughts were cut off as a large group of farmers ran to the house. H didn’t think they would burst in like they did... But clearly they were tired of the murders and wanted them to end. So they kicked the door in and ran into whatever was lying inside.

    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 32

    Sad Death to a Small Village [Private] Empty Re: Sad Death to a Small Village [Private]

    Post by Alexia Tue Feb 14, 2012 2:30 am

    A select few of the farmers had decided to follow the rather obvious footprints to the house. Thinking themselves as brave they had decided to enter the house armed with only their small knives and daggers. The large group, all 4 of them, were thinking that the person who was inside was either a lone survivor, a murderer, or a wanderer who got scared by the dead body. Upon entering the house the ranchers/farmers instantly stopped. Blood. Blood was everywhere. On the floors, on the walls, and even on the ceiling. Such large amounts of blood is not what bothered the cattle farmers since they butchered cattle all the time. It was in fact the spread and splatters all over the place that bothered them. Had the farmers ever known what a chainsaw was they would have come to the conclusion that someone used such a tool to cut up some people. Entering ever so cautiously the 3 farmers, one of them losing all courage and deciding to run away, looked around for the person who had entered. Following the footprints that had a mix of mud and blood they only ventured deeper into the house and deeper into a trap.

    Manami watched her prey walk up to the house by watching from a window. She was invisible to all outside of course thanks to how dark it was inside the house. Biting her pinky finger rather hard she pulled it away from her mouth to watch the blood slowly ooze out. Performing a few hand seals she then proceded to place her hand on the ground to complete the summoning ritual. Most people bit their thumbs to draw blood, but Manami found that you often times use your thumb more then your simple pinky finger so it was silly to cause damage to it. With a poof and a cloud of smoke, Naja appeared. Naja was roughly 28ft long and was a off white color with a pure white under belly. Being a cobra she could of course spread out her hood, but that was only needed should she feel threatened. The cobra was in fact a female and her eyes were ever vigilant. Manami sat down as the rather large snake shifted around to face its summoner. "Why have you summoned me Manami?" the snake said with a 'ss' sound to her voice and a rather harsh tone. Giggling a little at Naja's annoyance Manami stuck her tongue out to before saying in her usual happy tone, "Because I figured you would want breakfast! Besides haven't you missed me?" The silence as the two stared at each other seemed to last a long time. Tilting her head to the side the Uchiha girl wondered why her snake summon seemed so annoyed. Finally her unasked question was answered when Naja tasted the air with her serpentine tongue and then proceded to speak again. "Breakfast will be nice but you need to leave this useless village because your time and talents are being wasted..." Once again the silence fell over the two as Manami's happiness seemed to fade away into seriousness. "I have to cause I killed everyone! I just need to deal with a few visitors before I can leave." Looking into the snakes eyes with no fear, Manami tilted her head back to be perfectly vertical again. With a shake of the head the cobra slithered off to a different part of the house. Standing up Manami then proceded to follow the snake until the door opened at the front of the house. In the back of her mind she wondered why the farmers had gotten here so quick, but as her heart raced with excitement, all worries were cast aside.

    Finding her two small katanas right in their hilts on her waist, Manami grinned as she hid away into the shadows. Her summon managed to coil up under the master bed somehow. It always amazed her how a 28ft long snake was able to hide in the smallest of areas. The brave little farmer men entered the room in which Manami waited. This room was empty except for the blood that had been sprayed over part of the walls. Said farmers seemed very nervous about being caught up in the whole situation. Their screams were quickly muffled by the sound of more blood being sprayed onto the walls as Manami had lunged from the shadows to dance with her prey. Little did they know how to dance to the rhythm that she did so it all ended far to fast for her liking. As the three men laid limp on the floor with their throats or other major arteries slit, their blood began to slowly spread the floors. By far it was not the blood that drove Manami to kill people. In all honesty she didn't really know what drove her other then the urge that was always there. With a quick wipe she placed her two blades back into their homes. Glancing down she noted that she had no blood on her clothing, something rather amazing, but her bare feet were now feeling the warmth of her victims blood as they drained out onto the floor.

    Naja slithered into the room to find her summoner removing the dirty clothing from her soon to be meals. Although she would have preferred to kill her own breakfast she let the girl do it so she wouldn't have to hear the complaining later on. Unlike most snakes, Naja had a very fast digestive system so the digestion of the three dead humans was only gonna last a few minutes rather then a few days. This came with the price of needing to feed more often then most snakes but it was well worth it on the battle field. If a snake could laugh Naja would have. Her master had been rather careful to not get blood on the silly clothing she wore, but when attempting to slide on the blood covered ground she slipped and fell. With a childish master Naja wondered how such a silly girl could have ever made it to being 16 and how she was gonna make it to even 18.

    Slipping when trying to slide across the blood, something to waste the time away while Naja ate, did not make Manami upset. In fact it was rather funny. With a now very bloody set of clothing she looked at her summon and said, "I think I better go and clean my dirty self!" Amazingly Manami had almost completely blocked out the fact that others were in the village that needed killing. It was all to typical for her to get all goofy after a kill. Besides it wasn't like she was normal in any way shape or form because how many people try to slide on blood like kids who try and slide down the tile hallway when wearing socks? Only the messed up ones. Getting up from her little fall, Manami ignored the snake that was eating the farmers to run outside and quickly remove her clothing. Stripping down to her undergarments with not a care in the world she held her clothing out to lets the rain wash off the blood. Draping them over what was normally used to hang clothes out to dry, Manami then then skipped around feeling so very happy and relaxed. She had fulfilled her sick little desire for the day and all plans of killing the rest of the farmers were meaningless for the next while as she needed to get off the killing high that she got every time. Once she came to her senses of course the killing would stop. As for now though Manami skipped around in the rain in nothing but a bra and panties with not a care in the world.

    OOC: (Sorry for bad post. Neutral )

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