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2 posters

    Alexia Sakei


    Posts : 44
    Join date : 2011-12-28
    Age : 32

    Alexia Sakei Empty Alexia Sakei

    Post by Alexia Tue Jan 24, 2012 5:08 pm

    x-Basic information-x

    Name: Alexia Sakei

    -Alias/Nickname: Alexia

    Gender: Female ♀

    Age: 19

    -Birthdate: April 19th, ????

    Appearance: Alexia’s body is both tall and slender. Her legs are long with perfectly toned muscles that help her not look anorexic but just lean. Although most of her body seems like legs, she is actually fairly well proportioned when compared to a normal human. When arriving at her hips it can be noted that they are not all that big and actually rather slender. This is not to say that she has no rear end or hips, she just doesn’t have that perfect hourglass shape. Looking at her stomach it can be seen she is in very good shape and definitely keeps up on her sit-ups or various other ab exercises. Straight on you can see her very prominent V shape leading to her crotch region, which would account to her fit body. As for a chest Alexia has a surprisingly large one even though she’s slender everywhere else. It can almost be said that she is slightly top heavy but her breasts do no look out of place by any means. Alexia’s arms are rather long but well portioned. For the most part it could be assumed that her arms are not all that strong unless of course you were to arm wrestle her. Surprisingly so Alexia has very strong arms since she is used to swinging around two, three foot long swords. Her ambidexterity is easily seen since both arms are equally as strong.

    The facial features of Alexia are what some would consider perfect. She has a slender face with a pointy chin and soft cheek bones that help balance the overall shape. With stunning red eyes the and long eyelashes it becomes obvious why most people tend to look at her face before the rest of her body. As for her nose it is relatively small but doesn’t take away from her overall features. By far the most noticeable of all is Alexia’s long almost crazy hair. With bangs that are almost set free to do what they want its an amazement that it all looks good. Something that really catches peoples eyes is the black and purple in her hair that is actually natural. The length of her hair that she pushes to the back is roughly 4 feet long, although its not cut to be all the same length and varies so its not overly thick in any one spot.

    - Height: 6 ft. (1.8 M)
    - Weight: 138 lb. (62.5 Kg)
    - Ethnicity: Caucasian
    - Picture:

    - 13 Years of Age -
    Alexia Sakei Login10
    - 19 Years of Age -
    Alexia Sakei Alexia10

    Personality: One word can describe Alexia completely. Selfish. Its not that she doesn’t completely care about everyone else she just always puts her first. Now it sounds silly to say it that way since of course everyone puts their own survival first. Alexia just takes a step further to where if you hanging off a cliff but she had to miss dinner to save you, well lets just say you might be hanging off the cliff until after she was done eating. For the most part Alexia is very patient and calm when it comes to most matters. Although it can be noted that she is a bit of a hot head and can lose that patience with a snap of a finger. When angry its not uncommon for Alexia to get violent and start making rash decisions. Of course this is not to say that she is dumb, in fact Alexia is incredibly smart, she just has a lot of emotion thats all pent up inside. Another thing that Alexia tends to do is to boss people around. Now although it works now that she is a Kage, her little power trips happen often to where she will order someone who’s not doing anything to do something stupid just cause she can. Even though she can be a little bit of a bitch at times deep down she really wants to do whats best, well for herself that is.

    Unfortunately for Alexia she has a rather addictive personality. If she likes something its hard for her to stop or tell herself no. Her smarts will often come through and will set up ways so that when she is really wanting that something she won’t get it. A great example is her addiction to nicotine. Mostly she smokes to calm herself down after dealing with some stressful situation. Its not uncommon for her to tell people to not give her or let her buy any no matter how badly she wants them. Of course when she does want them she usually gets angry and tends to break things because she did the ‘stupid thing’ of making it impossible to get any.

    By far something that most find both annoying and/or good about Alexia is how flirty she is most of the time. Being smart allowed her to realize the important fact that she is very appealing to men. This shows in how she dresses primarily. Showing off her chest and her stomach by wearing more skimpy clothing is one technique that Alexia uses. Another is wearing tight thigh high boots that show off her attractive long legs and give the illusion that she is even taller. As for relationships with others, its not uncommon for Alexia to pick a guy to be her ‘toy’. Being her toy simply means that she will flirt with them and make them feel loved, while really using them for whatever reason she wants. This ties back into her selfishness which is truly what Alexia is. A very selfish person who wants things to go her way no matter what.

    - Likes:

    Color: Black, white, and purples.
    Food: Sushi and Soups.
    Animals: Wolfs, dogs, and foxes.
    Weather: Nice warm sunny days.
    Activities: Sleep, bathing, sex, running, and practicing kendo.
    People: People who follow her orders and respect her.
    Other: Cigarettes and alcohol.

    - Dislikes:

    Color: Pink and Red.
    Food: Pasta and Ramen.
    Animals: Cats and insects.
    Weather: Cloudy, cold, and rainy days.
    Activities: Cleaning up rooms, sparring, and cooking.
    People: Idiots and people who don’t listen to orders well.
    Other: Being addicted to anything and the word love.

    - First Impression: Upon first meeting Alexia it becomes apparent that she is bossy, selfish, and very intelligent. Its hard to figure out if she’s evil or good or anything since it would always seem that she just wants to help the most important person in her world, her.

    Alignment: Neutral : Alexia is out for her own selfish reasons although she will think about Sunagakure and do whats best for them, primarily she is middle of the road.

    - Goals: The one goal that Alexia has is to be the best Kazekage for no other reason than she wants a statue of herself in the village.

    x-Ninja Information-x

    Rank: KazeKage

    Village: Suna

    Bloodline: None

    Specialty: Chakra Control and Metal Control

    Element: Metal/Magnetic Release

    x-History and Rp Sample-x

    - History -

    Family Origins: The Sakei family was well known throughout Suna even though they lived in a small village that was relatively hidden. Sakei’s weren’t known for their riches or for something a past family member had done, instead they were known for unique talent. Blacksmithing was an art form that many people overlooked. To the Sakei family though being the best at black smithing was something they strived for. Sure enough this goal was accomplished and ninjas, samurai, and even nobles would come from afar to get something made by the family. Their swords and other various weapon made were known to not only be durable and sharp but also incredibly light and well balanced. Over the years the family had developed ways of letting chakra run into the blades they made so they could become more powerful. This was the first of its kind and any other chakra based weapon copied this original design created by the Sakei’s. Of course the experimentations with metal never really stopped for the black smith family. They tried everything. From sealing techniques to different types of crazy ninjutsu, the sky was the limit. It wasn’t until much later that they finally stumbled onto an idea, making the metal controllable with chakra. The next 3 generations of Sakei’s tried to figure out a way to do such a thing but found it impossible. Finally though a member of the Sakei family figured out a ever so interesting concept in which to control the metal and on his death bead he told his son the secret. The fathers son was only 5 years old at the time but even at such a young age the child understood the importance of what was told to him.

    Parents/Pre-Birth History: That 5 year old boy went by the name Alexander Sakei and the knowledge he held within his head was more valuable then any amount of gold. The second Alexander could hold a hammer he began working on what his father had told him to do. Trial and error was really the key for young Alexander and as he grew older and learned the art of the ninja while still blacksmithing his methods for doing what his father said got more and more complex. Eventually when he turned 18 he figured out what his father had been talking about and how to make it a reality. The true concept of controlling the metal was a three part process. Firstly was the metal itself had to be a very special mixture of chakra, metal, and surprisingly enough a hilt that had a special seal that would keep the metal in a liquid state. Secondly was the ninja’s own ability to run their chakra through the sword and form the metal in its liquid state to whatever form they wanted. Finally was the secondary seal located on the handle which when squeezed would cancel out the first seal making the sword solid again when the user stopped trying to form it with the charka. Primarily the limitation was the fact that the metal had to always be touching the hilt and that it required the user to have incredible control of their chakra. From here on out Alexander made it his life long goal to better control his chakra.

    Over the years Alexander designed two of these swords that were actually in his mind perfect. Both were identical and after a few battles both had seen death. He himself learned to master the control of such swords and began to consider ways of making such things more powerful. In his late 20’s though he began to think of slightly other things. Upon meeting a young woman who went by the name of Keiko he found himself in love. Not only was she beautiful but she was also powerful and had the ever so rare magnetic release capability. The pair found that they made the perfect storm. Year after year of fighting side by side and becoming rather famous ninja’s the thought of them ever being separated never occurred. As time took its course the pair found themselves at such an age where a child was perfect. Settling back down into the village form where the Sakei’s came from Alexander began work as a blacksmith again while his wife Keiko settled into a calm life of a typical house wife. When Keiko found out she was pregnant it seemed like a miracle. This was short lived when another family member of Sakei decided that he wanted to learn the secret of how to make the ultimate sword that controlled metal itself.

    The man who wanted the secret in which Alexander held was one of the few Sakei’s who saw money in the blacksmith world and turned into a rather wealthy businessman. Such wealth only made the man wanting more and more. When he found out that a Sakei had figured out a way to create such an ultimate sword he saw profits. The people interested in such a sword offered huge sums of money up so being a businessman he went out to take such items and be the only one to get the money. When Alexander woke on his normal Sunday off he did not know that it was to be his last day alive. The tragedy was that he was supposed to be a father that day. Keiko was off with some village elders preparing for the birth to come and had no idea of her husbands whereabouts. Alexander had put both of his swords into a box as a present to his soon to be child. The medical-nins were all convinced it was a boy so in the eyes of a father there was no greater gift then the perfect swords he had created. Had he have not put the swords away he might have lived to see his child, but without his weapons he was hopeless against a few assassins. His death was quick and much to the anger of the businessman the swords were no where to be found. Worried about her husband but not in any condition to go look for him, Keiko gave birth alone with some medical-nins wondering where Alexander could have gone. Much to her surprise it was not a baby boy but a baby girl. Two hours after birth the report that her husband was dead reached her ears. In shock, Keiko found herself all alone with a baby girl and no father. That moment was when Keiko decided to name her child after her husband/father. Alexander or in the baby girls case Alexandria.

    0 - 5 Years of Age: Alexia was born into a world where its either you or them. This really instilled a selfish behavior into her even at a incredibly young age. The first few months of Alexia’s life consisted of her living on the road with her mother, Keiko. Keiko knew that staying in a small village was bad so moved and sword allegiance to Sunagakure. With hope of raising a daughter somewhere safe, Keiko was willing to follow orders and do a mission here and there for such a dream. Amazingly Keiko had found the box that contained the two swords and decided it best to keep them hidden until her daughter was of age. Over the next two years Keiko did an amazing job being both a mother and ninja although it most definitely was taking its toll on the mothers poor body. Yet no matter how tired she was it was always her goal to put on a smile and make Alexia happy. Still though she found it best to try to teach Alexia to look after herself no matter what incase something ever happened. A mere 3 year old was taught the important lesson in life that no matter what you come first cause your survival is most important.

    Tuning 5 years old was a big deal for Alexia cause it meant that her mother was going to let her go out of the house all alone, to the park that is. The park in Suna was rather bland cause no grass grew but it wasn’t a big deal since its what the children only knew. At just 5 Alexia was already taller then most her age although for children it didn’t seem to make to much of a difference on heights. It was just always assumed that Alexia was far older then the rest when in fact she was far younger. Being only 5 though Alexia was already manipulating others to do her will and found it never hard to get people to do what she wanted them to.

    6 - 8 Years of Age: Coming of the age in which she was allowed to join the junior ninja academy meant a lot for Alexia and her mother. To start with it gave her mother more free time to relax. Secondly and by far most importantly it gave Alexia the opportunity to get stronger and learn how to fight. Although she really didn’t have to much anger or need to fight it became apparent on the playground that those who were strongest got to be boss. Over the next year or so Alexia focused on all the training that the teachers at the academy had to offer but found them useless after a little bit. The teachers quickly noted her inherit talent to be a ninja so asked her mother some questions about the ability of Alexia. Keiko was quick to realize that her daughter needed to be taught faster and learn more to prevent the boredom. Said teachers were not going to be able to provide such lessons so without hesitation Keiko pulled her beloved daughter out of the ninja academy to train her one on one.

    It was right after her 8th birthday that Alexia learned of her element. Keiko was not surprised when it ended up being magnetic release or identical to that of her own. The teaching was long and grueling for both parties. Alexia worked as fast and hard as she could trying to keep up with her mother where as Keiko kept having to train her daughter and work as a ninja for Suna. All was in the best interest of one person though, Alexia. In the eyes of a mother, Keiko saw no reason why she shouldn’t give her daughter the best of the best. Never once did Alexia ever ask about her father because of Keiko’s hard work. Never once did Keiko not wish that Alexander was there to help her with the hard work.

    9 Years of Age: Alexia was by far the strongest 9 year old in Suna. She was actually equivalent to a genin but just hadn’t bothered to go and take the test yet. Being strong enough led Keiko to think her daughter was ready for what her father wanted to pass on. The gift of the sword did lead to some interesting questions that Alexia had. Having never had a father she had always wondered but until this point she never once second guessed or even thought about him. It was this point in time in which questions of who and what her father was began to wiggle there way into her head. Such questions though quickly vanished when Alexia began to play with the swords. She naturally had a talent like her mother to control metal with her ninjutsu so the thought of controlling it with swords seemed easy. Obviously she was incorrect in her young naive theory although Alexia did have incredible control over her chakra and began to learn the swords faster then even her father. This playing with the swords went on for many months as everything in the world seemed great to Alexia. She had personal teacher, a dedicated mother, and two swords that were worth millions cause of the ability they held. This perfect world got a reality check on her 10th birthday though as everything came crashing down around the 9 year old girl.

    10 - 12 Years of Age (Genin Rank): Turning 10 should have been a great time for Alexia. Instead it was her worst nightmare. Coming home from training out on her own she found her home trashed. Someone had obviously been looking for something, but what? In fear Alexia quickly began to try and find her mother. While searching she instead found 2 foreign ninja from a different country. How they had gotten past the guards was the least of Alexia’s concerns as now she found herself trying to fight not one but two highly skilled ninja at the same time. Both of these said ninja had been looking not for Alexia or her mother but the swords. Fighting to the best of her ability Alexia did a rather amazing job fending them off until Keiko came home. Finding her child under attack brought out the most dangerous side of Keiko, a mother protecting her baby. The fight was still tough for the exhausted Keiko but she did manage to defeat both although not before suffering great wounds. It took the Suna guards almost 6 hours before getting to the scene. By this time all they found was a 10 year old girl crying over her dead mother. Anger was not enough to describe the emotions that Alexia felt. It was this moment that she decided to find who wanted her mother dead and why. Little did she know that the real reason was the very weapons in which she planned to use to defeat her enemy.

    The incident left Alexia with no family and no where to go. Suna had messed up and failed one of their best ninja. Feeling guilty for letting such a thing happen they quickly put her into a nice house and made sure to keep good care of her. Alexia could have cared less as all she had on her mind was if she had been stronger then she could have helped her mother. Emotions were a scary thing and drove even the normally sane into delusions. Such delusions for Alexia were that of it all being her fault. This build up of guilt was quickly converted into not depression but toughness that became both a drive and shell for Alexia. In her world she had to redeem herself by killing those responsible. Of course this meant her becoming far stronger. Passing the Genin exam was a joke but she still did it so that she could achieve the rank and be allowed to join a team to better strengthen herself.

    Luckily for Alexia she was put onto the perfect team. The Sensei was one of Suna’s finest and had been well known for his time spent in the Black Ops of Suna where he worked his way up to captain. Honestly the only reason he had not taken Kage position was his own laziness. As for the other 2 members both were male and both were your average joe ninja. Neither were as strong as Alexia or as tall which she enjoyed teasing them about. Being herself she almost immediately had both of her teammates wrapped around her fingers doing whatever she wanted them to. For the bell test Alexia had managed to actually get the bell by using both of the other members as bait. Her sensei had not expected her to be so selfish but noted that because of her situation it wasn’t that big of a deal. Over the next year or so the team trained and went on missions. Though much to the dislike of the sensei the team never really bonded cause Alexia never really let it happen.

    Soon after her 12th birthday, Alexia asked her sensei a rather important question in which he did not know the answer. Such question scared even a previous black ops captain. Quickly finding a female Jounin that he knew, he had Alexia tell this woman her question and found a wealth of knowledge. Although she was a late bloomer it wasn’t much later that her chest began to appear and suddenly boys were even easier to manipulate. All the better in eyes of Alexia. It was also around this time of change that Alexia stumbled onto some knowledge about why the ninja had come to kill her mom. Learning that it was all about the 2 swords she carried she went to ask her sensei the important question of, “May I go and kill this man with your permission? Or must I leave and kill him without your permission?” Her sensei was no dummy and knew that no matter what she would go out and kill the man behind it all. So instead of trying to stop her he gave her goal. The goal was once she was a Chunin he would personally help her find the man so that she could end his life. With a shake of hands Alexia began to focus on the up and coming Chunin exams although she was already far beyond ready.

    13 - 14 Years of Age (Chunin Rank): The year that Alexia was part of the Chunin exams was when they were held in Iwagakure. Much to her surprise she actually enjoyed the trip although noted that most of the people from Suna who wanted to reach Chunin were far bellow her skill level. Upon arriving at Iwa it quickly became apparent who her competition was. For the most part she was considered one of the top three primary contenders just because of her unique skills. In the first part of the exam where it was written Alexia found it incredibly easy to cheat and not get caught. By far it was the easiest of the tests and she found it no challenge at all. When assigned the job of gathering the scrolls once again Alexia had no problem at all. Defeating a few weaker ninja she actually gathered a little over three times as many scrolls although for the most part she just wanted to eliminate competition. With the final exam of the competition she found the training period a perfect time to focus in on one primary technique she had been heavily working on the technique ended up becoming one of her favorite to use and by far one of the most simple ones she had ever come up with. Finally when the battles came around and the competition started, Alexia found herself having no issues defeating the ninja and rising to the finals. Her opponent was by far her worst nightmare. He was a strong lightning based ninjutsu user. Being a metal user meant she was just one big target for all of his attacks. With her smarts and strong will though Alexia conquered her weakness winning the tournament and being given the rank of Chunin. Upon receiving the vest though she gave it back saying she had no intention of wearing it since it was going to ‘suffocate’ her chest. Still though she had the rank of Chunin and when arriving back at Suna she went to her sensei to see if her would uphold his promise.

    Alexia’s sensei had never doubted that his student would make it past the Chunin exams. So while Alexia was off in Iwagakure he had been looking for the man that she wanted dead. It was perfect timing when she got back because he had finally found the businessman and the whereabouts of the mans base of operations. Upon researching the sensei learned that the businessman was not all that bad, he just wanted to make a profit. Telling Alexia that the man she wanted dead was related to her was something that need not be said. With the information in hand to where her mother murderer was, Alexia set off without her sensei as she herself wanted to revenge her mother. The journey was short but let Alexia think about what it was she had to do. Finding the businessman’s office was far to easy and the defeating of the the few guards also left her with no challenge. When finally she had found the man she wanted to kill so badly for the last few years, she found a pitiful crying man hiding behind his desk. It took her almost a full minute to decide on what to do with him. Should she kill the man who was responsible for her mothers death? Or was there another option? Such thoughts of sparing the man were quickly thrown out the window when in a last minute effort the cowering man tried to throw a Kunai at Alexia. His death was a quick beheading. When arriving back home at Suna no one questioned her leaving as anyone who knew her had an idea as to what she had done.

    With the feelings of accomplishment and self fulfillment, Alexia set out another goal for herself; to become Kage of Suna. Such a goal was not uncommon for ninjas to set out for themselves, although most had reasons that were related to helping the people. In her world the only reason why she would want to become the Kazekage was so that she could get a statue of herself put up somewhere. Not to mention the thought of being able to boss everyone around was far to tempting. So immediately she began to go on missions and train her skills. Every day became one more lesson as every day something new was learned. Her age and skill scared a few of the village elders but everyone knew that as long as she kept loyal to Suna then there were no worries to be had. A little over a year passed when Alexia applied to take the Jounin rank. She was just 14 although did state that she was almost 15 and when the actual exams came around that she would be a year older. The only issue was still that a 14 year old, average Genin age of Suna, was trying to become a Jounin. Much thought was put into allowing such a thing to happen but when the village elders examined her skills it was decided that after she turned 15 she would be allowed to test for the Jounin rank.

    15 - 16 Years of Age (Jounin Rank): The Jounin exams were by far some of the hardest of all the exams Alexia had ever been apart of. The exam was not like the Chunin at all and instead of a three part exam where the challenges were all different, the Jounin exam consisted of a simple mission. Said mission was considered by ranking to be an S ranked mission. So was not easy by any means. For Alexia her mission was considered to be one of the hardest ever seen by any Suna Ninja. It was not complex in any way it was just hard. Put simply she had to assassinate a neighboring countries lord who was trying to push Suna into a war. The war would be easily averted if he was killed because all of the Lords heirs wanted no such war. Alexia set out the instant she could to go and complete her mission as she wanted the rank of Jounin far to bad.

    Upon arriving in the small country in which she was told to go to, Alexia found more then enough challenges. To start with just entering the country required a great amount of time since its borders were so heavily guarded. Once in though her real mission started. Killing the lord of a country was not all that but killing all the guards and various ninja hired to keep him safe was most definitely a challenge. With the concept that she only really needed to kill the Lord in mind Alexia worked out a rather simple plan to solve a hard problem. To this point in time Alexia had been working on her chakra control, and to this point had managed to have incredible control over her chakra and swords. It was at this point in her life when she had to push her self to really finely control the swords to the point where she was able to kill her target from over a hundred meters away. It wasn’t hard to make the metal of the sword turn into the thickness of a needle, it was just hard to both aim it and hold it in such a position. Nonetheless it was successful and very much so did it kill the Lord. One minor complication was the fact that she ended up having to fight her way out of the castle and country because although her technique worked it did lead everyone to her position. Luckily though she made it back to Suna with only a few bruises and scars. Being awarded the rank of Jounin gave her the title of youngest Suna Ninja. At just 15 though it was decided that she would not be allowed to have a team.

    Instead of having a team Alexia asked if she could take up more missions or even possibly join the black ops. The idea of having such a strong young member in the black ops concerned many simply because everyone knew the black ops often led to death. The idea of losing such a promising young talent was not what the village elders wanted at all. Yet their likes and dislikes were thrown out when the Kazekage granted Alexia her wish to be in the Suna black ops. After her 16th birthday she was given the black ops mask and happily began work for Suna. All along Alexia knew that it would help her reach the ultimate position of Kage.

    17 - 18 Years of Age (Black Ops): Alexia enjoyed her days in the black ops because there was never a dull moment. Even the easiest of missions or assignment ended up being far more challenging then normal ranked missions. It was during these stressful and rather intense times that she met a rather cute guy who for the first time in her life was not controllable. To this point in her life, Alexia had always been able to manipulate guys with her looks or with her silly mind games. Yet this young man seemed not to care or be affected by such things, this caught her by a surprise. Falling love while leading the tough life of a black op was something that Alexia found both emotionally and physically challenging. The man was a mere Chunin but was actually older then Alexia by a few years. She obviously was not able to tell him what she did so kept it a secret from him telling him that she was a Jounin who was stuck doing basic paperwork because of her age. Although it was a lie it was better then having him know the truth of what she was really doing. During this time of her falling in love is when she developed her addiction to nicotine. In all honesty it was the fault of one of her comrades in the black ops since he told her it was harmless to smoke and just calmed the nerves. This was yet another secret she would hold from the man she began to love.

    Over the next year Alexia’s love for the young man grew to the point where even she questioned her own selfishness. These feelings of love were short lived for Alexia when she found out that he was a spy from a local village. She found out this horrific information in the worst of ways, seeing his face on a hit list. Unfortunately for the young man he had chosen the wrong young girl to seduce and play with. Had he known she was a black op he probably would have never made the mistake. Yet still Alexia felt something for the person who she had fallen for so did her best to keep the fake relationship going. When the black ops captain found out that she was protecting a man on a hit list she was given two options. Kill him or be banished from Suna. Her decision is what eventually led her to becoming the Kazekage. After a fun date and night in bed with the man who had tricked her, Alexia did was needed to be done and slit his throat as he slept. In her mind she would always remember him not for being a spy or tricking her but for being her one and only love. Promising herself to never get attached again Alexia became much colder hearted and her smoking habit increased greatly.

    The black ops captain was very impressed with the will power that Alexia had although he made the note to both the Kazekage and village elders that she was incredibly selfish in any matter. During missions it was not uncommon for Alexia to jump ahead and take the kill or capture the target using the others as bait. She never once put her team member in life threatening situations but she never once helped them get out of life threatening situations if it didn’t help her own agenda. This type of attitude concerned the village elders and the Kazekage so in order to stop her from ever becoming Kazekage they devised a plan. Of course their reasons were justified as they were saving the village from a selfish person who was bound to take it over because of raw power and talent. Such a plan involved the death of Alexia. At just 18 years of age she was to die.

    Alexia received her mission orders and upon reading them she knew something was amiss. Heading off like a good soldier she went out to complete the mission. On her way out of Suna she was stopped by the current Kazekage. Much to her surprise the Kazekage was all alone and seemed to have been waiting for her. With a quick add up of all the clues it wasn’t hard for Alexia to realize that she was probably going to have to fight an unfair fight. The Kazekage was an elderly man and had hand chosen a few black ops that were loyal enough to him that he could keep the whole ‘kill Alexia’ operation from ever being found out. It was a 5 on 1 fight where the 5 had all been waiting and preparing for the 1. Sure enough the 5 had the advantage and when they attacked the 1 they easily won. Little did they realize that Alexia, being the selfish person she was, had sent a shadow clone to go do her mission so that she might sleep in. This stupid occurrence not only saved her life but also gave her the knowledge that the Kazekage wanted her dead. Instead of running she did the exact opposite and ran out to meet him away from the village seeing it as an opportunity to become Kage.

    Meeting the Kazekage head on was both a brave and incredibly smart thing. In her selfish mind she saw the opportunity to kill the current Kage and make it look like he had gone crazy and tried to kill her. With the help of a few random ninja, whom she swayed to help her with no problem, they set up a trap to eliminate both the Kage and village elders. The plan was simple. Lure the Kazekage back into the village where the village people could watch, then trick everyone into thinking that he had killed Alexia. From there the Kazekage would go to the village elders and they would have to make a village speech about what had happened, probably making some false evidence that Alexia was going to throw a takeover. This is when the real Alexia would appear with the truth showing and having multiple people in the audience agree with her, of course she planted them. Alexia had a talent of swaying people her way on any matter and just to be safe a few mob enticers in the audience would help. What the Kazekage did from there was a mystery to Alexia but she figured it didn’t matter since she had the peoples backing to get rid of both the village elders and Kazekage.

    Although the plan worked great, Alexia ran into one major issue near the end. The people called out that a death match be held between herself and the Kazekage. An old tradition used to settle arguments that always seemed to work. The stakes were simple to understand. If Alexia won she would win the title of Kazekage and would have finally achieved her dream, should she lose obviously she would be dead. Such a battle was by far the most stressful of any that Alexia had been in. It became a historic moment for Suna as for the first time ever the position of Kage was not open for vote but open to the winner of a 1 on 1 fight.

    19 Years of Age (Kage Rank): Alexia quickly became one of the most feared, loved, and mysterious of all the Kazekages. Her victory over the previous Kage proved that she was far more powerful then anyone had ever expected. Even though she was so young, the people of Sunagakure accepted her as their Kage with no hesitation. Besides, who wouldn’t want a young attractive leader who had no fear? The fears of the village elders were quickly silenced when they themselves were banished. For the first time in all of Suna’s history the Kage had no village elders and the balance of power collapsed as all was controlled by a 18 year old girl. Over the next year Alexia did a surprisingly good job at improving Sunagakure and actually kept the people incredibly happy. Although it was true that she had her little power trips and was very selfish, her fresh attitude towards leading Suna was like a breath of fresh air for all the ninja and peoples who wore the Suna headband.

    Where Alexia would take the village was a mystery to all but everyone had faith in her for some unknown reason. Maybe she was to become the one to take Suna into a golden age, or maybe she was the one to be the fall of Suna. Only one thing was for sure and that was no matter what, Alexia was going to have a statue made of her somewhere in the village.


    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 32
    Location : In the shadows of death

    Alexia Sakei Empty Re: Alexia Sakei

    Post by Kumori Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:41 pm

    Alexia Sakei Approv12

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