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    Join date : 2012-01-16

    Shuuheki Empty Shuuheki

    Post by Zee Sun Jan 29, 2012 3:01 am

    x-Basic information-x

    Name: Shuuheki Kurama

    -Alias/Nickname: Heki

    Gender: Male

    Age 17

    -Birthdate: Fall

    Appearance:Shuuheki’s appearance in incredibly solid. His stare seems to say “you could be the devil for all I care, I am badder than you.” This stare is called the “wolf stare,” and is a prized ability. What adds to the affect, however, is his angular face, his dark, purple eyes, and his grimace. Each of these seem to speak to people on their own, telling them to keep away. In his eye’s if you ever get a chance to look long enough, you can see the inner chaos within his soul, the chaos he wishes to bring to the outside world. Chaos is a fundamental part of all life, it is just that, under the composed and stable exterior, Shuuheki’s very body gives off this feeling of chaos, to those perceptive enough to notice it. He is thin and tall, standing six feet and four inches tall and weighing in at about one hundred ninety pounds. His black hair is unruly, doing whatever it pleases. He lives with it, simply looking around it. He could just cut it short, but he prefers leaving it long. It may fall in front of his face, but it adds to his stare. The very glare he gives is enough to frighten away, and part of it is the hair that falls down from the front of his face. In fact, this is almost the whole thing. He is naturally intimidating, but the hair plays a part that few realize.

    - Height: 6’4
    - Weight: 190
    - Ethnicity: White
    - Picture:

    Personality Zee had DID, or Dissociative Identity Disorder. This means that he had multiple identities, or selves. The one most often in control of the body will be described first. This personality was somewhat withdrawn most of the time, but can became open if not meeting new people for the first time. This personality would always fight for his allies, but, there is a limit to what he will do. His morals were important to him. This personality was most similar to a more reserved version of Naruto's personality.

    The second personality was a laid back fun guy. He was relaxed most of the time, and acted cool. He was also a bit of a partier. He could, however, be quite serious. If he was pushed far enough, he would fight seriously, and would protect those he knew well. His morals were more relaxed than the primary personality, but were still strong. He would not often bend them. This personality was most similar to Chao Xin from Beyblade Metal Masters.

    These first two personalities were fairly common to be dominant at any time, and knew that the other existed. Every day, they would ask what date it was, and, if it was a date they were not suspecting, they would ask "what have I done since you saw me last?" They both kept tabs on each other and occasionally took notes for the other to read, in the form of a journal. The former personality would occasionally be embarrassed by the actions of the latter, and the latter would often be disappointed that the former did not try to meet one person that they saw. The journal has notes scattered across the pages, containing conversations between the two, the only way they knew how to communicate.

    However, Zee has a third personality, much rarer than the other two. Neither of the first two knew of this third one, until it was too late, but they did have their suspicions. Dates in the journal that are empty, without a note ever being given saying why. This was unusual for both of them, and there are a total of three pages of the journal devoted to discussing these mysterious missing dates, until the pages of the journal stayed forever blank. No one ever seems to have seen Zee on these dates, so they have no clue what happens, or what the personality is like.

    This third personality is focused only on his own interests. He caes not for others, unless they are required for his plans to come to fruition.
    - Likes: Power
    - Dislikes: Restrictions
    - First Impression: Depends on if he feels like lying or not.

    Alignment Neutral Evil

    x-Ninja Information-x

    Rank: Kage

    Village: Konoha

    Bloodline Kurama

    Chakra Intuned


    x-History and Rp Sample-x


    Rp Sample: Yin listened to the bickering, as her muscles twitched, and the corner of her smile seemed to jump up and down on her face. The only thing that would have made this more perfect would be a cross type of thing above her right eye, and her eye's having suddenly lost their pupils. Then, she slowly calmed down as Lust explained what the situation was. She seemed to be the only level headed one in the group. Then, she got mad again. “I AIN'T no bitch!” She would yell as the rock flew to her. Using her ability in hand seals, by the time the rock reached her, five had been completed, and a destination decided. In a puff of smoke, she hung upside down from a tree branch, which was on one of the few trees that had survived the onslaught of boulders. From this branch, her head hanged down at a very special level. With her legs wrapped around the branch, her eye's lined up exactly with her cousins, just half a foot away. In the place she had been sat a tree trunk, which had now been tossed back by the force of the rock thrown at it. Then, in the time it took her cousin to notice her position, another two hand seals had been completed. Staring directly at her cousin, her eye's unwavering, it would be set. At the mere distance of one half of a foot and closing, Yin would be unable to dodge an accidental headbutt. However, in the time she had completed the hand seals and cast the jutsu, even turning the head would have been an impossibility. She was lucky that Jayy had been going for a punch straight to the gut, for, had it been an uppercut, he may have been able to punch her before the jutsu took affect. However, the aim was all wrong and, by the time he could correct it, Yin would have been hit by the running Jayy, as Jayy would have hit the hanging Yin. Both would sustain a slight wound to their foreheads. However, Yin had prepared herself for this. She had, while making the two hand signs for this jutsu, cast another jutsu, for which she needed no hand seals. The skin on her face would morph into a steel plate, take on the properties of steel, leaving her eyes staring directly into her cousin. As soon as she was hit. She used the momentum to pull herself up, and swung around, grabbing the branch with her arms. Jayy would be less lucky. He would likely roll onto his back from the force of the impact, as the leaves around him would seemingly fly up into the air around him in a rising column. Then the fun would begin.

    Perhaps Gluttony would look around and see a forest, filled with nothing but poisonous plants. Nothing that was edible, only what was deadly. Perhaps, no matter where he try to go, that would be all he would find. Then there was Sloth. Perhaps this person would see something so gruesome, they could never sleep again without having a nightmare. Or, perhaps he would witness himself with an acute case of insomnia, ADHD, and Restless Leg Syndrome. Perhaps Pride would witness his greatest failure, something that got him exiled from society, shunned by those who used to idolize him. Greed may see all his possessions stripped from him, with him being unable to react, chained to a wall as even his clothing, anything of value on and in him, was taken. Maybe even the Bijuu's he so wished to have to himself. Wrath may witness himself signing a peace treaty. A treaty between all nations, that would end all war, end all strife. Perhaps Lust would witness the death of every other human on the planet, the death of anyone who she might have come to like, love. Envy may witness the development of a perfect communistic future, where everyone lived in a cookie cutter house, no one had anything someone else did not have the chance to have. There was nothing to envy, everyone was the same. It was what some would call a perfect utopia. It would likely be a perfect dystopia to Envy.

    Don't you think that was a bit cruel? I mean, Lust was nice. If you had been in control, you might have tried to spare her. But, we both know that's not possible. Still, don't you think he was trying to hurt us. Better to give him some emotional drama, which he obviously already HAS, then to take some physical damage ourselves. I still think you could have done something different... Believe what you may, we both know the truth.



    Posts : 66
    Join date : 2012-01-16
    Age : 32
    Location : In the shadows of death

    Shuuheki Empty Re: Shuuheki

    Post by Kumori Sun Jan 29, 2012 8:28 pm

    Shuuheki Approv12

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